Page 18 - Issue 59
P. 18


      Issue 59


                                          A reading of the novella “A Letter from an

                                                  Anonymous” by Stefan Zweig

                                                                                 By: Engi Khaled Ahmed

                            This month I finished the novella “A   The  woman  said  at  the  end  of  her
                           Letter from an Anonymous”; By the letter  that  she  no  longer  believes  in

                           famous       Austrian-Jewish        writer, God or fate, and that she no longer
                           Steven  Zweig,  and  it  is  my  first believes in anything but in the hero.

                           experience  with  him,  and  I  do  not That  hero  was  an  arrogant  and
                           think it will be my last. I rated it four immoral  novelist  who  spent  his  life

                           stars  out  of  five.  In  fact,  my  high accompanying  women  and  having
                           rating, which almost reaches the final affairs  with  them.  In  fact,  I  see  -  as

                           grade,  was  never  the  result  of  my Engi-  that  this  phrase  actually
                           conviction  in  the  novella  or  the summarized                   everything         that
                           motives  of  the  unknown  woman’s happened in the novella.

                           character,  but  rather  the  narrative  When a person believes in a specific
                           and  linguistic  creativity  that  I  came God, he is convinced of the sanctity

                           across.                                       of his measures, no matter how hard
                             Zweig  has  an  amazing  ability  to they are on him, and no matter how
                           penetrate  a  very  complex  female difficult  they  are  for  him  to

                           psyche  with  this  wonderful  way.  He understand. He blames everyone but
                           was able to prove to me that she was him, and hates everyone but him. It

                           a  woman  of  flesh  and  blood,  and is  always  God  who  receives  his
                           that he was not a male novelist who forgiveness,  his  love,  his  gentle

                           created  her  from  his  imagination. reproach,  and  his  firm  faith  in  his
                           This is a real woman who embodied wisdom.  This  is  how  the  unknown

                           Zweig and spoke with his pen about heroine was with her lover.
          17               the deepest depths of her soul.
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