Page 16 - Issue 59
P. 16


      Issue 59


                          As soon as he closed the door behind him, his  Our problems are many.. I will not bother you
                          wife  collapsed,  his  daughters  cried,  and  his  with  them..  but  my  hope  is  that  you  do  not
                          house became dark.                             leave  our  daughters  a  prey  to  poverty  and
                          Then  the  laughter  disappeared,  and  was    need..
                          replaced by tears.. The smile disappeared, and  As for Fajr, she wrote to him: Father, do you
                          was replaced by brokenness.. The joy was gone,  remember the alarm clock that you brought for
                          and in its place was sadness..                 me so that I could set it to the time of the dawn
                          Days passed, and the months were bleak, and    prayer? You used to say that no one will wake
                          the wife fell into the clutches of many diseases..  me  up  but  Fajr.  Will  your  wife  wake  you  up
                          Fajr  was  working  day  and  night  to  complete  now?
                          the  preparation  of  her  house..  Shorouk  was  My  father,  my  income  from  my  work  is  not
                          forced  to  work  to  help  with  the  household  enough  to  fulfil  the  arrangement  that  you
                          expenses.. Doha gave up taking her high school  agreed  upon  with  my  fiancé’s  father.  My
                          lessons,  and  Asal  left  her  school  for  a  school  engagement  is  at  risk  of  being  broken.  Please
                          with lower fees. .                             help me.
                          One day, the mother and the girls agreed that  And Shorouk wrote: My dear father... I remind
                          each  of  them  would  send  a  message  on  the  you  that  when  you  realized  my  talent  in
                          phone to the absent father, reminding him of a  drawing...  you  brought  me  luxurious  colours
                          beautiful  memory,  and  informing  him  of  one  and asked me to draw a beautiful painting... so
                          problem she was facing...hoping that his heart  I  painted  you...  because  you  are  the  most
                          would soften..                                 beautiful thing in my life...
                          Asal  began  writing:  My  beloved  father...  Do  Father,  as  you  used  to  tell  me  what  bothers
                          you  remember  the  cartoon  movie  that  you  me... I have been forced to work in a field that
                          watched with me in the cinema last year... And  is  far  from  my  interests,  and  my  employer  is
                          you told me at the time that you laughed from  flirting  with  me...  I  am  trying  to  stay  away
                          the heart... as you had never laughed before...  from him, but I am afraid of him... Maybe you
                          Now  the  second  part  has  started  showing...  can talk to him so he can stop...
                          Will you not accompany me to watch it?         As for his wife, she did not sleep that night. She
                          Dad... I'm facing a big problem... I can't solve  was looking at her phone every moment, but he
                          many  of  the  puzzles  in  the  fun  book  you  did not answer her. So she decided to overcome
                          brought me...                                  her illness, return to her work, and take care of
                          The  mother  wrote:  My  beloved  husband...  I  her daughters.
                          have  spent  all  that  was  left  of  my  parents’  Fajr woke up from her sleep and looked at her
                          inheritance...  and  sold  all  my  jewellery...  All  phone..  but  she  did  not  find  a  response..  she
                          that remains is the chain you gave me when we  went to wake her mother.. and found her in the
                          got  married...  I  don’t  want  to  give  it  up...  as  kitchen preparing the pancakes they loved..
                          your  picture  hangs  on  one  side  of  it,  and  my  -Mom,  why  did  you  leave  your  bed  and  go
          15              picture on the other.                          against what your doctor said?

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