Page 12 - Issue 59
P. 12


      Issue 59

    September             I  already  have  a  bachelor’s  degree  in   Unfortunately,  the  high  inflation  rate  causes
                          agriculture,  and  I  have  a  background  in  the  people to fear investing and cling to their savings,
         2023             file  and  attended  many  conferences  on  the  and  Egypt  responded  to  that  by  offering
                          topic of climate change. But I wanted to know  certificates  with  higher  interest  paid  in  advance
                          more details about the problems of the earth’s  up  to  19%  and  20%  because  that  is  what  the
                          temperature  and  the  details  of  the  climate  investment  market  is  looking  for  now,  and  the
                          crisis because I was interested in the film very  only way to establish projects. These certificates
                          much. I wonder how many of the 14 million     reassure  investors’  fears  as  they  are  safer
                          Egyptians  abroad  have  such  interest  in   investments than investing directly in projects, as
                          strategic files close to their specialization. We  evidenced  by  the  fact  that  billions  of  pounds
                          have many specialists in this field, including a  flowed  into  the  banks  immediately  after  Egypt
                          member  of  the  General  Union  of  Egyptians  announced  investment  certificates  with  22%
                          Abroad,  Professor  Dr.  Hisham  Al-Askari,   interest.  The  global  crisis  creates  in  people  the
                          who  is  one  of  the  vice  presidents  and  idea of fear and hoarding rather than saving or
                          specializes in water surfaces and is known for  investing,  which  does  not  allow  for  the
                          his expertise in the file of climate change. On  establishment  of  projects.  The  second  challenge
                          the  other  hand,  how  many  of  the  14  million  is  the  bureaucracy  and  difficulty  of  procedures.
                          non-specialists  thought  that  they  wanted  to  The  laws  have  been  amended  and  improved  to
                          know  more  and  educate  themselves?  We     counter  this  problem,  but  the  employees
                          Egyptians unfortunately have a problem with   responsible  for  applying  them  still  prolong  the
                          interest  in  education  and  reading,  which  procedures  unnecessarily,  and  therefore  the
                          makes us invest in projects looking only at the  people in charge of this work must be qualified.
                          material  gain  and  not  to  the  message  or  We are now in the digital age, and people must
                          benefit  that  this  project  can  achieve.  This  have  training  courses  to  eradicate  computer
                          means that the material motive is the motive  illiteracy  and  be  sufficiently  prepared  to  learn
                          that I should target in promoting the projects,  new technologies. One of the problems that faced
                          because  of  the  lack  of  comprehension,    the new education system with the tablet was the
                          awareness,  and  interest  in  global  problems  ignorance  of  the  teachers  themselves  of  how  to
                          such  as  climate  change,  as  people’s  basic  apply and use it, which is a complaint I received
                          priority is to invest their money in a profitable  from  my  relatives  and  friends  who  were  related
                          investment that enables them to return to their  to  this  matter,  most  of  them  are  at  an  age  that
                          homeland after a long exile. This is the naked  does  not  allow  them  to  learn  new  technologies
                          truth.                                        without  intensive  training.  Therefore,  the
                                                                        solution to this problem in my opinion is to train
                          From your point of view, for Egyptians abroad
                                                                        those  in  charge  of  the  business  with  the
                          to become more influential in national projects,
                                                                        technology  necessary  to  manage  it,  and  I  am
                          especially  those  specialized  in  sustainable
                                                                        confident  that  this  matter  is  taken  into  account
                          development  as  the  slogan  of  Egypt’s  Vision
                                                                        but  it  needs  time  and  material  capabilities  to
                          2030,  what  are  the  challenges  that  they  must
                                                                        apply it.
                                                                        I pity His Excellency the President because of the
                          I  mention  as  a  first  challenge  the  unstable
                                                                        dilapidated  state  that  he  found  the  country  in
                          currency  rate,  due  to  the  global  crisis  and
                                                                        when  he  took  over  its  administration,  without
                          unprecedented inflation rates everywhere that
                                                                        projects, land, roads, or agriculture, and it would
                          no  one  can  control.  Even  in  Britain,  the
                                                                        have collapsed like Greece now had he not taken
                          inflation rate is very high, and I remember a
                                                                        over its administration at this time. Greece had
                          statement from a few days ago that even the
                                                                        reached the stage of bankruptcy had it not been
                          current  British  Prime  Minister’s  plan  to
                                                                        for the support of the European Union.
                          reduce  it  will  fail  in  2024,  and  no  one  can
           11             predict what will happen.
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