Page 13 - Issue 59
P. 13
Issue 59
September As for Egypt, it is a country of 100 million, everywhere, at every hotel, school, and
which cannot bear famines or displacements. I
2023 believe that our Egyptian state is in the institution, whether in Alexandria, Cairo, or
Sharm El Sheikh. This national identity must
protection of God Almighty and that such
be raised in the rising generations, may God
calamities will never happen to it. I was
decree a matter that has been done.
entrusted some time ago with writing an
article, and the journalist told me to pay
I was very happy to have a dialogue with you,
attention to the topic of His Excellency
and I thank you for your precious time valuable
President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and the
opinions, and rich experiences.
people’s view of him and their support for him
in the next stage, so I wrote the article entitled
“President El-Sisi and the Idea of the Savior”,
as the people’s love for him is not only related
to the achievements that took place in the last
decade but it goes back before anything to
saving Egypt in a very critical period. We were
like someone who saw his son drowning in the
water and did not know how to swim to save
him, then someone came and saved him,
would we not be grateful to this person for the
rest of our lives, regardless of what he did after
that point? This is the source of our love for
this man, that he saved our beloved country
from collapse. When the Muslim Brotherhood
took power, I was one of those who said that
the homeland was lost without return, and I
wrote on my Facebook page: “We belong to
God and Him we shall return”, and I decided
in my heart not to return to Egypt again until I
see their end.
But a blessing in disguise, their stupidity and
greed for the leadership that they had long
dreamed of getting over 80 years made them
make many mistakes, so they destroyed
themselves by themselves. Here is the idea of
the savior, who we do not expect today to do
everything alone, but we who are around him
must be eager to help him. We must have in
our schools and educational institutions the
culture of our country and how we relate to it
and invest in it, and we show these files to the
child from an early age according to his
comprehension, even if we allocate half an
hour in the school day for this matter. If we
have failed in our generations, let us raise for
Egypt's rising generations that carry this
national thought. Here abroad, we now see
12 our children walking proudly carrying the flag
of their country. It is a sight that makes me
happy when I see the flag of Egypt