Page 8 - Issue 59
P. 8


      Issue 59

    September              We certainly have the utmost appreciation
                           and  eagerly  await  the  occasions  when  we
         2023              can  go  out  with  flags  to  meet  His
                           Excellency the President. And this happens
                           in Europe more strongly than in the Gulf
                           countries,  and  the  reason  for  that  is  that
                           Egypt is well known in the Gulf, and it is
                           known if it is correct to say and it is true,
                           its role as the leader of the Arab countries.
                           Whatever  files  they  are  interested  in,  and
                           with all due respect to everyone, Egypt is
                           an ancient country, and there is no need to
                           introduce the Arab countries to who Egypt
                           is.  As  for  the  other  countries,  they  were
                           overwhelmed  by  the  influence  of  the    And if they accuse us of coming with music and
                           Brotherhood  in  their  heyday,  which  is  dancing in such gatherings, then I answer them
                           evident   in   England,   for   example.    that  this  is  our  culture:  If  someone  plays  any
                           Therefore, when they spread rumors about    music  in  the  street,  you  find  the  Egyptians
                           His  Excellency  the  President  that  the  enjoying  it.  If  you  walk  in  Cairo  on  the  Nile,
                           Egyptians  do  not  love  him  and  do  not  you  will  find  all  the  boats  playing  music  while
                           want him, he must come to find a people     walking. We are a people with a history in art
                           who support him and declare their pride in  and  an  extraordinary  artistic  taste,  and  all  our
                           him  and  love  for  him,  and  this  is  what  celebrations  do  not  lack  the  element  of  music
                           appears practically in their dedication and  and art and enjoying them, and that is for many
                           gathering with their children to go out in  reasons.  One  of  them  is  that  with  music  we
                           the  streets  and  welcome  him  when  he   recall  memories  of  our  homeland,  as  art  is  the
                           comes. The Brotherhood channels did not     soft power that brings us back to our homeland
                           leave  anyone,  not  even  me,  without     and  makes  us  feel  that  we  are  still  in  Egypt,
                           showing  him  and  advertising  him,  they  when  I  listen  to  the  artist  Shadia  or  the  artist
                           said about me that as the president of the  Abdel Halim or the artist Abdel Wahab, as well
                           Union,  I  rent  individuals  and  pay  them  as  the  national  songs  that  ignite  the  national
                           money  in  exchange  for  going  out  to    feeling,  I  remember  from  them  the  old  songs
                           welcome  the  president.  I  responded  to  related to the 1973 war and not only the newer
                           these charges with a direct appearance on   works  such  as  Boshret  Kheir  and  the  like,  but
                           my Facebook page, I did not think that it   also  the  works  of  Warda,  and  Sweet  My
                           would  reach  a  large  number  of  people,  Country, the Black Country. None of our trips
                           saying that they only say lies and their lies  are  devoid  of  this  music.  If  they  accuse  us  of
                           are known to us and therefore we do not     going  out  with  flags  and  dancing,  then  this  is
                           believe                                     true,  and  we  are  proud  of  it.  We  go  out  to
                                                                       support  our  president  and  show  him  our  love
                          them,  but  in  that  position,  he  speaks  about
                                                                       for him, as for all the accusations directed at us
                          me and in a personal way, and I am everyone
                                                                       and him, they are nonsense that have no basis in
                          knows  me  and  knows  that  I  do  not  receive
                          any wages, and I have no motive other than
                          the motive of pure nationalism in showing the
                                                                        If  this  is  in  terms  of  moral  support,  what  other
                          picture  to  Britain  and  the  whole  world  that
                                                                        types  of  support  for  the  state’s  policies  do
                          this president has a people who love him and
                                                                        Egyptians abroad do, whether as individuals or as
                          believe in what he does. Therefore, the matter
                                                                        a union?
                          is  much  bigger  than  just  appearing  on  TV
           7              with flags.
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