Page 5 - Issue 59
P. 5
Issue 59
September You are certainly aware, otherwise, you As the president of the General Union of
would not have conducted an interview with Egyptians Abroad in Britain, we would like to
2023 me about their role, that the image of know the most important topics that you work
Egyptians abroad has become very high. on and the most important problems that you
Here, we face some problems: Egyptians face in your position.
abroad have become like a jewel that shines
Britain is one of the countries that has very
brightly and everyone sees it, but in fact, it
special characteristics, due to its previous
may be glass and not a jewel. Many people, of
relationship with Egypt for a long time and
course, at the top of them, of course, the
its proximity to it, and until recently, patients
media and television, see the file of Egyptians
used to go to the London clinic, and we
abroad in a very shiny way, and they all want
heard a lot from Abdel Halim and others
to enter it in one way or another. We now
about this matter. The communication of
have in all newspapers a page dedicated to
Egyptians with Britain was more than its
Egyptians abroad, and on television programs
counterparts with France Italy or even
for Egyptians abroad, but those in charge of
Greece. And the older people who have been
these pages and these programs are people
there since that time are still with us until
who have not lived abroad and have not seen
now, and they have a strong rejection of
the reality. The result is that we see on the
everything new. This generalization does not
pages of newspapers and television screens
apply to all of them, of course, but on the
irresponsible statements from some people. I,
contrary, I have friendships with very
of course, greatly appreciate the role of
respectable people from this generation who
everyone who wants to provide a service to
preceded me by two generations, but some
the homeland, but it is not right for a person
people reject everything new and fight it in
to make a statement in a matter that he does
all legitimate and illegitimate ways to
not have enough experience in because of his
overthrow this new entity that appeared.
close relationship with some channels or
And they ask the question: Why did this new
broadcasters or writers. And then what? What
entity appear in the first place and establish a
does he intend to reap from this work? Fame?
branch of the General Union of Egyptians
And even if he gets fame, does his statement
Abroad in Britain, even in the presence of
have implications that would benefit
other institutions that preceded it? The
Egyptians abroad? On the contrary, some of
answer is that these institutions do not assist
these statements harm them more than they
on the ground to Egyptians, but some of
benefit them because those who make them
them may exploit this matter financially and
care more about fame than the experience
exploit individuals by taking a financial fee
necessary to represent these people.
for the service provided to them.
This is, for example, a problem we face in the And by my presence amid the Egyptian
Union with the media that they see our file community and Egyptians and their
with excess glitter, and they approach it hastily gatherings, I received many complaints
without looking behind the personalities who regarding the lack of confidence in many
claim to represent it. We, as a union with our institutions that already exist, they used to
spread and branches around the world, know collect money and then disappear without
Egyptians abroad personally, because we live fulfilling their promises. Therefore, the first
with them and know them well. This is the problem I faced was this fierce war directed at
problem that we face, that some individuals my person for two reasons: the first was my
appear in the media giving or presenting attempt to establish a branch of the General
unregulated statements without any account. Union of Egyptians Abroad in Britain, which
means the existence of a legal official entity on
4 the scene and causes fear for other institutions
that were alone in it.