Page 7 - Issue 59
P. 7


      Issue 59

    September             While  we  have  in  Europe,  the  maximum       Here lies our role in returning them to their
                          problem  we  may  face  is  trying  to  collect  the  Egyptian  identity  and  reminding  them  of
         2023             amount necessary to transfer one of the deceased  their  Egyptian  origin,  which  is  one  of  the
                          to  be  buried  in  Egypt,  if  his  family  cannot  important roles that we play.
                          provide the amount or the state refuses to bear
                          it.  Therefore,  our  members  do  not  receive  a  And  what  is  the  role  of  the  Union,  whether
                          wage,  but  on  the  contrary,  they  bear  great  general  or  in  its  branch  in  Britain,  in
                          financial hardship willingly. Therefore, I do not  supporting the general policies of the Egyptian
                          understand the reason for the disputes, which I  state?
                          only  interpret  as  aiming  for  fame  and
                          appearance and monopolizing the scene and the    To be honest with you, we felt ourselves since
                          lights. But what then? Even if His Excellency the  His  Excellency  President  Abdel  Fattah  El-
                          President  knows  your  name,  have  you  helped  Sisi took over the presidency of the republic,
                          people on the ground? The answer is always no.   where  he  magnified  the  role  of  Egyptians
                          It is the nature of ladies and women in general to  abroad,  and  cared  about  the  presence  of
                          care, so when they solve a problem, they solve it  deputies  for  them,  although  I  see  that  the
                          with  their  hearts  before  they  solve  it  with  their  selection of these deputies is not appropriate.
                          minds. When I face someone who has a problem,    I,  as  the  president  of  the  Union  in  a  large
                          my  heart  feels  sorry  for  him  before  my  mind  country  like  Britain  and  a  member  of  the
                          realizes  that  solving  his  problem  is  my  duty.  I  board of directors of the General Union, did
                          deal with all the feelings that any woman feels,  not meet the eight deputies who are currently
                          because the citizen who is exposed to a problem,  present and do not know them and did not
                          whether a man or a woman, is an Egyptian like    see  them  and  did  not  solve  any  problem.
                          me, and I feel sorry for him. This is what gives  Therefore, I must say that the parliamentary
                          me  the  motivation  to  care  about  solving  the  representation  of  Egyptians  abroad  needs  a
                          problem  despite  my  preoccupations  and  work  representative  with  experience,  effectiveness,
                          and  children.  As  for  the  man,  he  is  more  and  political  weight.  We  have  under  his
                          practical  and  realistic.  Our  work  in  the  Union  sovereignty many entitlements, including the
                          consists  of  providing  all  kinds  of  assistance  right  to  vote  from  abroad,  which  is  a  right
                          required, and I will elaborate in the explanation  that  we  did  not  have  before,  whether  in
                          in  the  part  that  concerns  Britain,  as  I  am  a  amending   the   constitution   or   other
                          member of the branch of the General Union in     referendums, where coming to Egypt was the
                          it,  but  what  I  will  say  applies  to  all  European  only way to vote before he allowed us to vote
                          and Western countries, considering that the Gulf  from  the  embassy.  In  the  last  presidential
                          countries have a special situation.              elections  and  the  referendum  to  amend  the
                                                                           constitution,  we  had  the  right  to  vote  from
                          We help people with family problems, language
                                                                           abroad, and we carried out strong awareness
                          problems,   communication     problems,   and
                                                                           campaigns in all the countries where we have
                          problems with the second and third generations
                                                                           a  presence,  in  Saudi  Arabia  as  in  England,
                          who  grow  up  without  knowing  our  language,
                                                                           about  the  nature  of  the  amendment  of  the
                          customs, traditions, and identity. There is always
                                                                           constitution  and  the  details  of  the  amended
                          a  problem  in  our  desire  for  our  children  to  be
                                                                           items and their reasons.
                          connected  to  the  Egyptian  identity,  which  is  a
                                                                           Many Egyptians carry a stereotypical image of the
                          problem  that  immigrants  in  Arab  countries  do
                                                                           role of Egyptians abroad politically, in the event of
                          not face, who speak Arabic and can easily return
                                                                           a visit by one of the officials or ministers, and they
                          and  approach  Egypt.  As  for  the  Western
                                                                           carry flags in the streets and appear on television,
                          countries,  the  society  is  different  and  the  and  this  is  their  role.  And  this  brings  us  to  the
                          customs and traditions are completely different,  following  question:  How  can  Egyptians  abroad
           6              and  we  cannot  let  our  children  separate  from  support the state’s policy? Or how do they support
                                                                           it realistically outside the framework of this limited
                          their Egyptian identity physically, mentally, and
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