Page 3 - Issue 59
P. 3


      Issue 59


                                     The issue’s interview with Ms. Mervat Khalil, President
                                       of the General Union of Egyptians Abroad in Britain.

                         Elite  magazine  was  honored  to  interview  the  Egyptians  Abroad.  The  situation  remained  so
                         guest of this issue, Ms. Mervat Khalil, the head  until  conflicts  of  interest  began  to  appear,
                         of  the  Egyptian  Union  Abroad  branch  in    where the Union might meet at the same time
                         Britain,  to  talk  to  us  about  the  role  of  as  a  ministerial  meeting,  so  the  Minister  of
                         Egyptians  abroad  in  supporting  the  state’s  Immigration   would    be   late   for   his
                         projects   and    policies   for   sustainable  appointment. Here was the result of separating
                         development and climate change.                 the Union from the Ministry, and it became a
                                                                         central  association  of  its  own  with  an  elected
                         Hello and welcome, Elite magazine is honored to  board of directors and an elected chairman of
                         conduct  this  interview  with  you,  which  revolves  the board of directors. One of the first elected
                         around  the  role  of  Egyptians  abroad  in    presidents  of  the  board  of  directors  was  Dr.
                         supporting  the  state’s  projects  and  policies  for  Mamdouh Ismail, who is in Canada, after him,
                         sustainable development. We would like to know  the presidents took over, and the position was
                         from  you  first  about  the  General  Union  of  taken  by  Engineer  Ismail  Ahmed  Ali,  who  is
                         Egyptians  Abroad,  and  what  are  its  most   the  current  president  of  the  Union,  and  he  is
                         important roles.                                one of the founders of the Union in 1983. The
                         The General Union of Egyptians Abroad is a      idea of the Union is clear in its establishment at
                         central association, and we celebrated this year  the  same  time  as  the  establishment  of  the
                         the fortieth anniversary of the establishment of  Ministry  of  Immigration,  which  is  to  care  for
                         the  Union.  The  idea  came  at  an  earlier  time  Egyptians abroad and to bring closer the views
                         than  the  existence  of  the  Ministry  of     on  the  problems  they  face.  At  that  time,
                         Immigration  or  any  institution  that  cares  for  migrants  or  Egyptians  abroad  were  mostly  in
                         Egyptians  abroad,  so  it  was  established  by  a  Arab  countries  such  as  Saudi  Arabia  and
                         decision  of  the  former  President  Mohamed   Kuwait,  and  teaching  loans,  especially  in
                         Hosni  Mubarak,  at  the  same  time  as  the   universities  and  schools,  where  our  Egyptian
                         establishment of the Ministry of Immigration.   teachers  in  all  fields  are  almost  the  ones  who
                         The  Minister  of  Immigration  was  responsible  built the Gulf countries, and until now, a large
                         for the Union, and he was at that time Minister  percentage of them are still working there.
                         Albert Bersoum Salama. He was also followed     After  that,  Egyptians  abroad  began  to  spread
                         by  Dr.  Boutros  Boutros  Ghali,  who  became  in  Europe,  where  we  are  considered  middle-
                         Secretary-General of the United Nations, and    immigrants, but we have great communication
                         a large number of immigration ministers who     with  our  country  because  we  did  not  move
           2             took  over  the  presidency  of  the  board  of  away  to  distant  immigrant  countries  such  as

                                                                         Canada, America, Australia, and New
                         directors of the General Union of
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