Page 6 - Issue 59
P. 6


      Issue 59


                          I received direct and explicit threats to me as a
                                                                         The  Ministry  of  Immigration  was  taken  over
                          lady  residing  in  Britain,  in  addition  to  the
                                                                         by ladies, other than the Ministry of Culture,
                          attacks  on  social  media,  until  I  had  to  take
                                                                         the Ministry of Economy, and the Ministry of
                          legal  action  and  involve  the  police  in  the
                                                                         Tourism, which was taken over by Dr. Rania
                          matter.  To  this  extent,  the  war  reached  this
                                                                         Al-Mashat,      and     now     international
                          entity and the personality representing it at the
                                                                         cooperation, social solidarity, and others. The
                          beginning  of  my  attempt  to  do  useful  work.
                                                                         woman has a status that does not allow anyone
                          The second reason is that I am considered the
                                                                         to  question  her  ability  to  lead.  On  the  other
                          only  lady  who  took  the  position  of  president  hand,  it  is  reasonable  for  this  to  happen  in
                          of  the  Egyptian  community  in  the  world.  Britain,  a  country  where  women  take  their
                          Unfortunately, no matter how open we are to    rights  before  men.  But  these  problems  have
                          the  world  and  travel  to  many  countries  in  been and still face me, and the war continues
                          Europe and America, some of our people still   and  does  not  stop,  I  established  the  council
                          have biased ideas against women. Of course, I  teams  eight  years  ago,  and  I  still  fight  to  this
                          have a lot of members with me, and the very    day in illegal ways and undesirable forms and
                          famous sentence that was directed to the men   twisted  ways.  Some  may  try  to  accuse  me,
                          who  were  with  me  was:  How  do  you  work  report me to the authorities, or talk about my
                          according to the orders of a woman? And how    life  personality  and  honor  to  the  utmost
                          do  you  allow  her  to  make  decisions?  But  undesirable  and  dishonorable  competition.  I
                          between  me  and  my  colleagues,  there  is  love  asked before in a high-level session about the
                          and  continuous  cooperation,  and  therefore  reason for these disputes, are we not all trying
                          they  were  not  affected  by  these  annoyances  to help people voluntarily without receiving a
                          and stopped them at their limit. But we were   wage for it? I speak on behalf of myself and the
                          exposed to a kind of dishonorable war, which   Union  with  all  its  members  and  confirm  that
                          is  to  question  the  ability  of  a  woman  to  we  do  not  make  a  material  gain  from  this
                          manage  this  entity.  But  this  is  not  the  world  work, but rather we often contribute to it from
                          we live in now, nor the direction taken by His  our  money  when  there  are  problems  that
                          Excellency the President, and the best evidence  require  solving.  Perhaps  we  do  not  cost  as
                          for that is the number of ministers who took   much as the brothers in the Gulf, who collect
                          positions  in  our  government.  He  has       huge amounts of money to please the sponsor
                          determined  for  us  the  number  of  seats  in  the  and  help  their  brothers,  connected  to
                          House  of  Representatives,  as  he  has       businessmen on a permanent and daily basis.
           5              determined for the file of women, as well as for

                          the file of Egyptians abroad.
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