Page 21 - Issue 59
P. 21


      Issue 59


                                           The college holds a symposium entitled Youth and Future
                                             Challenges, with the participation of Dr. Ali El-Din Hilal
                                                                         Youssef  Mousa  -  Political  science  -

                                     On  Tuesday,  November  21,  2023,  in  the  Zaki  especially economics and political science students,
                           Shafi’i Amphitheater in the building of the Faculty  have a role to play in this stage, completely rejecting
                           of  Economics  and  Political  Science,  Cairo  the idea of silence and not expressing opinions and
                           University,  a  dialogue  was  unique  in  its  kind  and  change.
                           not  a  lecture  that  brought  together  Professor  Dr.              Dr.  Ali  continued  his  talk  about  the  college,
                           Ali El-Din Hilal - the former Minister of Youth and  speaking  about  the  names  of  some  of  the  halls
                           Sports and one of the most prominent innovators in  within  the  college  that  have  the  names  of  former
                           political  science  in  Egypt  and  Arab  World  and  deans.  He  calls  on  students  to  the  importance  of
                           former  Dean  of  the  Faculty  of  Economics  and  familiarizing  themselves  with  the  history  of  the
                           Political Science, Cairo University - and among the  college  in  order  to  increase  the  value  of  love  and
                           faculty  members  and  more  than  350  male  and  belonging  to  the  college.  It  is  a  college  that  has
                           female  students  from  the  college  in  an  episode  given  a  lot  to  the  Egyptian  state  since  1960  until
                           entitled “Youth and the Challenges of the Future.”  now in many fields in various fields. Ministries and
                           Dr.  Hanan  Ali,  Acting  Dean  of  the  College,  all  branches  of  the  Egyptian  state.  In  most  cases,
                           welcomed Dr. Ali El-Din Hilal. She began her talk  you  find  college  graduates  in  Egyptian  embassies
                           about some of the distinguished points presented by  abroad.  Even  in  the  political  axis  -  which  includes
                           Dr.  Ali  throughout  his  tenure  as  Dean  of  the  12 individuals - within the National Dialogue, half
                           College  -  the  period  of  the  Golden  Age  -  and  the  of  those  who  managed  the  political  axis  for  all  of
                           most  notable  of  them  were  (Day  of  Excellence  -  Egypt are college professors.
                           Simulation  Models  -  Period  of  Activity  within  the
                           College), all of which were achievements that were
                           implemented. for the first time .

                                                                                As for the title of the episode and the focus on
                                                                         youth and the challenges they face, Dr. Ali focused
                                                                         on three basic elements: (education - development -
                                                                         participatory), and Dr. Ali explained that there is a
                             Dr.  Ali  began  his  speech  by  praying  that  God  thread that combines the three elements.
                           would grant victory to the people of Palestine in the         Education and its value. Education is not just
          20               recent  Gaza  events  ,  asking  God  Almighty  to  information,  but  the  importance  of  these  courses
                                                                         lies in the way of thinking (how do I think),
                           forgive them and heal the injured. Arab youth,
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