Page 24 - Issue 59
P. 24


      Issue 59

    September             But Israel responded by imposing an economic First, Israel called it upon itself. The economic
         2023             blockade on Gaza after Hamas seized control consequences  of  Israel’s  actions  pushed  the
                          in 2007, which resulted in the isolation of Gaza Palestinians to explode. With no work, land, or
                          and  the  deterioration  of  the  economic dignity,  you  reach  a  point  where  you  prefer
                          situation.  The  unemployment  level  reached dying  over  living.  Why  not  take  few  Israelis
                          approximately 50%. GDP per capita shrank by with you while doing so? It brings a feeling that
                          an  average  of  2.8%  annually  in  the  period you are fighting back and that your suffering is
                          between 2007 and 2022.                        justified. Second, it is logical. If stability is bad
                          Today,  just  28%  of  Palestinians  support  the for  Palestinians,  as  Israel  uses  a  long-term
                          two-states solution, compared to 53% 10 years strategy to make more gains on the expense of
                          ago,  and  half  of  them  wants  to  dissolve  the Palestinians with the stability peace brings and
                          Palestinian authority.                        without  much  fuss  from  the  international
                          A  recent  poll  by  the  Palestinian  Center  for community,  why  should  Palestinians  seek
                          Policy and Survey Research reported that half stability?
                          of  Palestinians  living  in  Gaza  and  the  West The attack has caused a depreciation in Israel’s
                          Bank  would  vote  for  Hamas  over  the currency,  pushed  a  lot  of  Israelis  to  return  to
                          Palestinian  Authority.  The  group’s  popularity their  mother  country,  caused  labor  shortages,
                          grew  after  a  two-week  conflict  with  Israel  in as the 350 thousand mobilized equal 8% of the
                          2021, with roughly 75% of those polled viewing workforce,  caused  its  credential  ranking  at
                          Hamas  as  safeguarding  the  Al-Aqsa  Mosque Fitch  and  Moody’s  to  be  supervised,  affected
                          and other Muslim holy sites in East Jerusalem. its stocks market, and it increased tensions with
                          But not only does Hamas represent the people, neighbors.
                          but they are, indeed, the people.             But  most  importantly,  the  hope  to  make  the
                          That is why president Sisi refuses to allow the deal  that  US  was  trying  to  broker  between
                          migration  of  the  people  of  Gaza  into  Sinai. Saudi Arabia and Israel is totally gone. Third,
                          Simply  because  they  will  launch  their it is justified! Israel is the aggressor in this case,
                          operations from there.                        and the Palestinians have the right to response
                                                                        with  any  means  possible.  And  the  right  to
                          Talking of purging Hamas will require purging defend the self is not recognized for aggressors
                          Gaza as well, which Israel has been doing for and occupational forces. The international law
                          the last 2 weeks. Also, Hamas is the reason why also  considers  blockading  a  country  an  act  of
                          Israel is not building settlements in Gaza. It is war,  which  Israel  has  done  with  Gaza  since
                          actually  the  reason  why  Israel  cannot  control 2007.  Be  a  nationalist,  an  Islamist,  a  man  of
                          Gaza,  as  it  forced  Israel  out  of  the  strip  in law  and  diplomacy,  Hamas  is  the  one
                          2005. Hamas is, indeed, the shield of Gaza. On defending  itself.  Fourth,  the  7th  of  Oct.
                          the  27th  of  Oct  it  countered  the  long-waited brought the case back to life. The conflict was
                          land  assault  on  Gaza,  costing  Israel’s  forces losing attention in the Arab countries and has
                          severe losses.                                become less significant to its regimes. In 2020, 4
                          According  to  Douglas  Macgregor,  a  retired Arab countries have normalized relations with
                          U.S. Army colonel and a former senior adviser Israel.  Also,  others  have  been  more  willing  to
                          at  the  Pentagon,  Hamas  managed  to  stop cooperate with it.
                          Israeli  and  US  special  forces  from  entering A plan to create a new trading route that goes
                          Gaza.”  Some  of  our  special  ops  forces  and to  Europe  through  Israel  included  Saudi
                          Israeli  special  ops  forces  went  into  Gaza  to Arabia and UAE, the scheme most likely won’t
                          reconnoiter, to plan for where they might want see the light. Overall, the conflict will affect the
                          to go to free hostages and make an impact and economic  outlook  and  stability  for  the  region
                          they were shot to pieces and took heavy losses, as  a  whole,  including  Israel.  But  while  Israel
          23              as I understand,” said Macgregor. Now for the will lose from it the most, Gaza has nothing to
                          7th of Oct. operation.
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