Page 29 - Issue 59
P. 29


      Issue 59

                           Lastly,  it  is  known  that  Palestinians  are  a  I wished to be capable of decrypting their
         2023              proud people that cannot be easily broken. suffering, but no amount of words will be

                           Therefore, Israel is trying to kill their moral enough to describe the hell that broke loose
                           and any will within them to fight back or in Gaza since last month. All I can say is,
                           resist. To ensure this there are many ways, personally, I have lost all faith in humanity
                           Israel  haven’t  been  giving  them  enough the  moment  the  world  decided  to  stop
                           time  between  bombing  so  they  aren’t  able considering Palestinians as humans. Every
                           to  retrieve  the  wounded  and  injured  from single person living this genocide, standing
                           under  the  rubbles,  Palestinians  are  left  to by, doing nothing should feel ashamed and
                           survive  with  flies  and  the  scent  of  corpses question his humanity. Years will pass, this
                           surrounding  them,  they  are  asked  to will  become  history,  and  one  day,  we  will

                           provide list of names of their dead because all  be  held  responsible  for  letting  this  be,
                           the  west  don’t  believe  the  numbers, and  I  won’t  by  any  means  exempt  myself
                           Palestinian  children  are  holding  press from  the  responsibility,  because  even  my
                           conferences and filming videos begging for words  aren’t  enough  to  face  such  a
                           the  bombing  to  stop,  journalists  have  to demonical entity.
                           film  the  horrible  images  of  their  dead  to
                           prove  that  they’re  actually  dying  and  on
                           top of it all Israel cut the connection from
                           Gaza to stop them from giving their news
                           to  the  world  and  also  to  deprive  them  of
                           seeing  how  people  around  the  world  are
                           supporting them.

                           All  of  this  is  just  a  glimpse  of  what  have
                           been happening for more than a month. I

                           used  to  push  people  to  speak  up  and  talk
                           about Palestine, but this time it’s different.
                           This  time  we  talked  and  the  world  heard
                           very well, but at the end the world chose to
                           ignore  their  pleas  because  Palestinians
                           aren’t perceived as humans anymore. I am
                           writing in a time where the scent of death
                           and  destruction  have  surpassed  Gaza  to
                           reach all of our noses, where the sound of
                           screams and pleas are stuck in our ears that
                           no  music  can  make  it  fade,  where  the
                           pictures  of  dead  children  can’t  be  erased
                           from our brains from the moment we wake
                           to our dreams or shall I say nightmares.

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