Page 26 - Issue 59
P. 26
Issue 59
September tries to imply that civilians were a threat
to the U.S. doctors and nurses by asking,
2023 “You said if it wasn’t for national staff
you think you would’ve been killed by
people who were just desperate.” To
which, Callahan reiterates, “We either
would have starved to death or ran out of
water. They were the ones that negotiated
only one that left an impact. Emily all of that,” highlighting the fact that the
Callahan’s, an American nurse who was civilians were not going to harm her but
able to evacuate Gaza, interview with the lack of essential needs while
Anderson Cooper of CNN was another simultaneously painting a picture of the
great example. Instead of using national nurses a staff as heroes of this
provoking sarcasm, Callahan was war. Callahan’s interview was brilliant
equipped with a harrowing story and a because she chose her words carefully to
concise way of presenting her argument. bypass censorship, while deflecting
In this interview, Callahan recounts the Cooper’s attempts at dehumanizing
26 days of war she witnessed during her Palestinian civilians.
time in Gaza, describing in vivid details When people can’t trust news outlets or
what she and her crew had to do to even academics anymore, it takes
survive and the horrifying imagery of someone with wit and a provoking
death and despair that surrounded her. tongue to get through to people. It seems
Cooper, on the other hand, did not miss like the best strategy to get your voice
the chance to try and ask leading across and be heard is to create a buzz,
questions that paints Palestinians in a and not any buzz, but one narrated by
negative light. In response to Callahan’s someone with a story strong enough to
description of the burned and amputated shake people or provoking words laced
children that showed up to the hospital with bitter truths. At the end of the day,
and the status of the shelter where the while there are many people who remain
staff resided, Cooper asks, “In situations wilfully ignorant of what is going on, the
where there are tens of thousands of narrative is slowly starting to shift, and
people and it is a war and people can’t even if it will only stir the heart of a single
feed their kids, things get strange very person, it is always better to speak up
fast and things get tough very very fast about injustice when you can rather than
and people turn on each other. You saw choose to be silent because you “know”
that up close?” Callahan proceeds to you won’t be heard.
explain that the people coming to the
hospital were justifiably angry because
they have been losing loved ones left and
right and have grown desperate trying to
save those who remain – deflecting his
implications and justifying the cause of
25 the unrest. After that, Cooper, again,