Page 23 - Issue 59
P. 23


      Issue 59


                                          Gaza: a ticking bomb

                                                         Abdelrahman Sakr
                                                         Second year -  Economics - English section
                          In contrast to what the western media is trying A few deals that defined economic and security
                          to  spread,  Hamas  is  not  the  one  behind  the relations  were  struck  later,  but  none  of  them
                          current situation, and it does represent the will was supposed to be a final deal. The final one
                          of the Palestinians. In fact, both Hamas rise to was  supposed  to  be  concluded  by  1999.  This
                          power and the 7th of Oct. were inevitable. They led to a sense of urgency.
                          were  made  so  by  Israel’s  actions  that  pushed
                          the  Palestinians  to  desperation,  making  Gaza, Israel  wanted  to  build  as  much  settlements  as
                          indeed, a ticking bomb, which exploded on the possible  in  order  to  have  as  much  land  as
                          7th of Oct.                                   possible by 1999.
                                                                        The numbers of settlers increased in this period
                          The fact that even Antonio Guterres, the UN   by 58% in the West Bank alone, from 116,000
                          secretary general acknowledged that illustrates  to 183,000. In 1993, the settler’s proportion of
                          the extent of how Israel was responsible for the  the Israeli population was 2%, today it is 5%.
                          current  situation.  "It  is  important  to  also
                          recognize the attacks by Hamas did not happen  The  result  was  that  Palestinians  have  lost
                          in a vacuum.                                  because  of  Oslo  agreement  more  than  what

                                                                        they seemed to have gained. And the final deal
                          The Palestinian people have been subjected to  never  came  because  Israel  had  no  interest  in
                          56  years  of  suffocating  occupation,"  Guterres
                                                                        having one. Why have peace when you are the
                          said. To understand why that is, you need to go
                                                                        one to gain from conflict. The result was that in
                          back  to  the  Oslo  agreement  in  1993.  It  stated
                                                                        the West bank, Palestinians were being kicked
                          that  in  five  years,  a  Palestinian  state  and  an
                                                                        out of their homes and land in order to build
                          Israeli  one  would  stand  in  peace  next  to  each
                                                                        new settlements. Also, they were not given the
                          other  with  fixed  borders  that  would  be
                                                                        economic  promises  that  they  had  been
                          determined in another final deal.
                                                                        promised.  This  led  to  pushing  Palestinians  to
                                                                        totally  lose  hope  of  any  real  peace  and  losing
                          The  deal  was  vague  and  incomprehensive.  It
                                                                        faith in the Palestinian authority.
                          left  the  greatest  issues,  like  Jerusalem  and  the
                          borders,  to  be  defined  later.  The  only
                                                                        Thus,  they  elected  Hamas,  which  rejected  the
                          achievement  was  a  weak  and  symbolic
                                                                        Oslo  agreement,  in  2006,  when  the  last
                          authority  that  would  rule  over  Gaza  and  the  legislative  elections  were  held.  This  was
          22              West Bank.                                    supposed to be a warning to Israel.
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