Page 25 - Issue 59
P. 25
Issue 59
The Language of War
Noor Khaled - Economics - Senior
Some say not to argue with those who when the hosts only want to shine the
refuse to listen for it is only a waste of light on a single angle, and that’s what
time and energy because those who refuse Egyptian comedian and doctor Bassem
to acknowledge that there may be room Youssef knew walking into the Piers
for doubt in their thoughts and beliefs Morgan interview. Equipped with witty
will always use any opposing views and sarcasm and a sharp tongue, Bassem
twist them to fit their narrative. knew exactly what needed to be done to
However, in times of war - times where garner the attention of a global audience.
people’s voices can save the lives of Bassem played along, using the leading
innocent people murdered by hatred and Pro-Israel narrative as a vessel, to get his
greed - every word counts. If done right, point across. Although his answers
a single speech can move a nation. To weren’t always precise during the first
harness the power of words, the right interview, they were provoking enough to
vessel must be used, and to get through to stir an audience into doing more research
people who refuse to listen, you must on the conflict. During his second
play the game according to their rules. interview, Bassem was much more
Hence, in this article, I will be going over prepared with evidence-backed
two different interviews that left a strong arguments and a much calmer style
impression on the audience to illustrate intended to provide clear cut information
two ways the guests were able to make rather than drive in attention. Not all
impactful arguments. kinds of attention were in Bassem’s favor
Digging through the seemingly endless though as many criticized his first
mounds of information to extract the interview for his attitude and the kind of
truth can be very difficult, especially language he used, but, nevertheless, it is
when most “trusted” news sources seem undeniable that he was able to break
to be biased to only one side of the through too an audience that wouldn’t
24 narrative. Coming on a talk show to have otherwise listened.
Bassem Youssef’s interview was not the
argue your case with facts seems futile