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                              Vol.1, Issue 47, September 2022                               ELITE

                                Similarly,  this  can  contribute  to  lower  In  this  perspective,  the  global  stock  market
                              wages;  since  the  labour  supply  will  be  has  experienced  some  phases  of  volatility
                              greater  than  the  demand.  High  interest  and  also  indices  are  starting  to  contract.  It
                              loans  will  stop  entrepreneurs  from      was  published  in  “L'écho”  on  September  21
                              launching  a  new  project.  This  reduces  that in the United States, Le Dow Jones lost
                              competition within the market;This lack of  1.70%,  Nasdaq  fell  1.79%  and  the  S&P  500
                              competition  will  have  a  double  effect;  fell  1.71%.  On  Wall  Street,  high  policy  rates
                              Initially,  because  of  market  instability,  also tend to weigh on equities, especially the
                              innovation  will  be  more  or  less  reduced.  more   expensive   technology   sector.
                              That is to say, the presence of innovative  According  to  the  French  magazine  “Les
                              products  on  the  market  will  be  avoided.  affaires”, it was published on 22 September
                              Secondly,  there  will  be  no  job  creation.  that  in  Asia,  the  Tokyo  Stock  Exchange
                              This  will  always  be  translated  into  a  closed down 1.36%. In Hong Kong, the Hang
                              decrease  in  American  production  and     Seng index also fell by 1.52%. In London, the
                              productivity; contributing more inflation.  FTSE  100  dropped  36.15  points  (-0.50%)  to
                              Market of funds                             7,201.49 points. In Paris, the CAC 40 yielded
                              The  impact  of  this  increase  on  “big   70.29  points  (-1.17%)  to  5,961.04  points.  In
                              financial” was very significant. The largest  Frankfurt,  the  DAX  yielded  151.68  points
                              U.S. banks are expected to record windfall  (-1.19%)  to  12,615.47  points.  This  shows  us
                              profits  on  loans,  benefiting  from  higher  that all stock exchanges on a global scale are
                              Federal  Reserve  interest  rates  as  they  influenced by FED decisions. In other words,
                              prepare  for  a  potential  recession.  As  the  American  recession  will  be  exported  to
                              reported  in  the  US  magazine  “Financial  the   world    because    of    economic
                              Times”,   analysts   expect   “JPMorgan     globalization.
                              Chase”,   “Bank    of    America”    and    Drop of oil prices
                              “Citigroup”to  see  growth  in  net  interest  Since  the  United  States  is  a  great  country
                              income  -  the  difference  between  what   influencing  international  prices;  its  demand
                              banks pay on deposits and what they earn    for oil, due to any event, influences its price.
                              on  loans  and  other  assets.  Banks  tend  to  As  already  mentioned,  oil  prices  were
                              take  advantage  of  higher  rates  because  declining  as  a  consequence  of  negative
                              they  are  able  to  increase  loan  fees  faster  expectations  about  the  global  growth
                              than they are increasing deposits. The risk  outlook. For example, Brent barrel from the
                              of  a  growing  recession  arises  in  the  North  Sea  for  delivery  in  November  lost
                              context  of  a  slowdown  in  investment    1.66%  to  90.47  dollars.  The  US  West  Texas
                              banking  activity,  particularly  in  equity  Intermediate  (WTI)  barrel  for  delivery  in
                              markets. On average, “JPMorgan”, “BofA”,    October  fell  from  2.13%  to  $83.90  as
                              “Citi  Group”,  “Goldman  Sachs”  and       reported  in  the  French  magazine  “Le
                              “Morgan Stanley” are expected to record a   Revenu”  on  September  20.  Positive  for  a
                              40%  drop  in  investment  banking  fees,   slowdown  in  prices,  oil  prices  fell  by  more
                              according  to  estimates  compiled  by      than  3%,  affected  by  recession  fears.  There
                              Bloomberg. Analysts also predict that the   was  also  a  statement  from  the  U.S.
                              overall revenues of these banks will fall on  Department   of    Energy    that    the
                              average by about 4.6%                       replenishment of U.S. strategic oil reserves is
                                                                          not likely to begin until late 2023.
                              Global stock exchanges and oil prices
                              Global stock exchanges
                              Global  stock  exchanges  are  slowing  down
                              sharply  after  US  inflation.  Investors
                              believe that the FED has no choice but to
                              raise its rates sharply. They promote high
                              returns that are not risky, so they put their
                              money  in  the  bank.  Also,  some  of  them
                              keep their distance from risky investments
     Back                     until they are sure that the FED will raise
                              interest rates another time; thus they will
   To FEPS                    understand  the  monetary  policy  of  the                                           14
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