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                              Vol.1, Issue 47, September 2022                               ELITE

                              The  million  dollar  question  here  is:  does  BDS  In  2021,  the  Washington  Post  reported  on  the
                              have real impact? Instead of going through all of  existence of “Blue Wolf”, a secret military program
                              the movement’s achievements and successes, let’s  aimed at monitoring Palestinians through a network
                              take a look at Israel’s actions toward them. Israel  of  facial  recognition-enabled  smartphones  and
                              is  providing  financial  aid  to  international  cameras.  As  for  Google,  they  briefed  the  Israeli
                              organizations working against the BDS movement  government  on  using  what’s  known  as  sentiment
                              through  the  Ministry  of  Strategic  Affairs,  detection,  an  increasingly  controversial  and
                              amounting to NIS 5.7 million (as of 2019). They  discredited  form  of  machine  learning.  Google
                              also  closed  30  bank  accounts  of  organizations  claims  that  its  systems  can  discern  inner  feelings
                              affiliated with the BDS movement on the pretext  from  one’s  face  and  statements,  a  technique
                              of  close  relations  between  them  and  armed  commonly rejected for lack of scientific basis. One
                              Palestinian  organizations  such  as  Hamas.  And  to  Nimbus  presentation  showed  the  “Faces,  facial
                              top it all, the director of “Human Rights Watch”  landmarks,  emotions”  detection  capabilities  of
                              was  expelled  from  Israel  by  a  court  decision  for  Google’s  Cloud  Vision  API,  an  image  analysis
                              his support of the boycott movement. Allow me to  toolset.   The   presentation   then   offered   a
                              answer my question with another question: if BDS  demonstration  using  the  enormous  grinning  face
                              isn’t effective, why go to all this lengths to stop it?  sculpture  at  the  entrance  of  Sydney’s  Luna  Park.
                                                                            Google  was  only  able  to  assess  that  the  famous
                              Nowadays,  the  Israeli  restrictions  aren’t  the  only  amusement  park  is  an  amusement  park  with  64
                              thing making it harder to support BDS. In the past  percent  certainty.  Google  workers  who  reviewed
                              month,  there  was  two  main  stories  concerning  the  documents  said  they  were  concerned  by  their
                              companies  supporting  Israel.  Firstly,  BDS  employer’s  sale  of  these  technologies  to  Israel,
                              expressed   its   opposition   towards   Google  fearing  both  their  inaccuracy  and  how  they  might
                              involvement  with  Israel.  It  all  begin  when  an  be  used  for  surveillance  or  other  militarized
                              article  from  “The  Intercept”  confirmed  that  purposes.  In  September,  the  Jewish  Diaspora  in
                              Google is offering advanced artificial intelligence  Tech  (a  group  launched  by  Jewish  employees  in
                              and  machine-learning  capabilities  to  the  Israeli  Google)  released  a  series  of  testimonies  from  15
                              government  through  its  controversial  “Project  Google employees in opposition to what they see as
                              Nimbus” contract. This project was announced by  anti-Palestinian  bias  within  the  company.  Six
                              the  Israeli  Finance  Ministry  in  April  2021  for  a  Google  workers  and  several  Palestinian  rights
                              $1.2 billion cloud computing system jointly built  activists and academics held a press conference at
                              by Google and Amazon. Many of the capabilities  one  of  Google’s  San  Francisco  offices,  and  the
                              outlined  in  the  technologies  offered  by  Google  activists hosted a multi-city protest organized under
                              could  easily  augment  Israel’s  ability  to  survey  #NoTechForApartheid.
                              people and process vast stores of data. The Israeli
                              state has for decades benefited from the country’s
     Back                     thriving  research  and  development  sector,  to
                              police and control Palestinians.
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