Page 14 - Issue-47
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                              Vol.1, Issue 47, September 2022                               ELITE

                                                  Western Cinema , Gender

                                                    Debate and Correctness

                             The  film  industry  is  one  of  the  most  influential  Ahmed taha
                             sectors  in  our  modern  society.  Comedy  films  and
                             series make us laugh, psychological thrillers help us  Some  companies  have  begun  to  produce  live
                             see  the  world  from  a  different  perspective,  and  versions  of  old  cartoon  films  in  completely
                             historical  films  play  a  role  in  understanding  our  different  shapes  and  features,  for  example,  The
                             roots and where we come from.. Thus every film or  little mermaid, coming in 2023.
                             television work reflects Part of society and changes  There has been a lot of criticism since the release
                             some opinions.                                 of  the  promotional  advertisement  for  the  movie,
                             Like anything in our lives, this industry has become  and it even came to ridicule about the choice of
                             a  double-edged  weapon,  a  mean  of  spreading  the
                             repulsive trends to many societies.            main actress, which is completely different from
                                                                            the cartoon version.
                             1- support homosexuality
                                                                            The  readers  of  the  novels  also  noticed  that  and
                             This support has spread greatly recently, as it is no  criticized some of the works that described their
                             longer  limited  to  famous  platforms  such  as  Netflix  characters  in  a  form  and  physical  specifications
                             and  HBO,  but  the  matter  has  evolved  to  include  that  appeared  opposite  to  what  those  characters
                             platforms  for  showing  children’s  works  such  as  appeared when converting the novel into a series.
                             Disney,  and  the  company’s  CEO  explicitly  Another  famous  and  obvious  example  of  this  is
                             announced that her goal by the end of the year is to  the  change  of  the  character  Snake  eyes  that  we
                             make at least half of the new cartoon characters in  saw  in  part  of  the  famous  series  G.I.Joes  as  a
                             the works Coming from gay and transgender people  Caucasian boy with blond hair to transform in the
                             in conjunction with changing the identity of some of  movie the main character later to an Asian person.
                             the old personalities we used to know.         So the issue became questionable and tends to be
                             Besides that, Disney also put its touches on   certain that it is not support but rather gratification
                                                                            aimed at profit, when in reality the matter is still
                             Marvel's recent business, because of which most of  different and there are many crimes and problems
                             the company's newly exported business was banned  that  occur  just  because  one  person  differs  from
                             in many countries, especially in the Middle East.  another in his religion, color and form.
                                                                            So watch what your young relatives and children
                             2- Strange Attempts to Show Ethnic Support     watch  and  raise  them  with  respect  for  everyone
                                                                            and non-discrimination.
                             It  is  indisputable  that  racism  and  bullying  are
                             rejected  in  all  religious  beliefs.  A  normal  person
                             does not care about being the main hero of a work
                             with  dark  skin  or  from  the  yellow  Mongolian
                             dynasty,  etc.....  Rather,  he  enjoys  working  without
                             paying  attention  to  any  details  of  his  belief  in  the
                             non-discrimination between people, But what made
                             us  address  this  trend  is  the  implementation  of  that
                             support  in  a  way  that  led  to  ridicule  and  even
     Back                    impression,  why  do  they  do  it  in  this  particular
                             became  questionable  and  with  a  questionable
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