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                              Vol.1, Issue 47, September 2022                               ELITE

                                               BDS Movement: Boycotting Zionism

                                                      and Supporting Palestine

                                                                           Mariam Ismail, Level 3 - Political science

                              “If not us, who? If not now, when?” we often hear  This  is  the  level  where  individuals  anywhere  in
                              these words by people in leading positions as an  the world can take actions to stop supporting any
                              incentive to work. While they might or might not  institutions  or  companies  supporting  Israel.  A
                              motivate you personally, it was this concept that  great  example  of  this  was  during  the  May  2021
                              made  Palestinian  civil  society  launch  in  2005  Gaza   bombardments   when   many   simple
                              what is now widely recognized as a qualitatively  individuals  in  their  countries  conducted  research
                              different  phase  in  the  global  struggle  for  to  know  what  are  the  products  and  companies
                              Palestinian   freedom,   justice,   and   self-  supporting  Israel  and  then  boycotted  them  and
                              determination against a ruthless, powerful system  invited all their friends and surrounding to do so.
                              of  oppression  that  enjoys  impunity.  In  a  historic
                              moment    of   collective   consciousness,   the  Second,  “Divestment”  campaigns  urge  banks,
                              Palestinian  civil  society  issued  the  Call  for  local  councils,  churches,  pension  funds  and
                              Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against  universities  to  withdraw  investments  from  the
                              Israel  until  it  fully  complies  with  its  obligations  State  of  Israel  and  all  Israeli  and  international
                              under  international  law.  More  than  170   companies that sustain Israeli apartheid. A recent
                              Palestinian  civil  society  groups  called  upon  example of divestment is the American company
                              international  civil  society  organizations  and  “Ben  and  Jerry’s  ice  cream”  who  decided  to
                              people of conscience all over the world to impose  withdraw  all  their  products  from  Israel  and  the
                              broad  boycotts  and  implement  divestment   occupied  territories  of  Palestine.  The  company
                              initiatives against Israel similar to those applied to  went to the extent of suing their mother company
                              South Africa in the apartheid era. Since 2008, the  “Unilever” when it forced them to keep their sales
                              BDS  movement  has  been  led  by  the  largest  in Israel.
                              coalition of Palestinian civil society organizations
                              inside  historic  Palestine  and  in  exile,  the  BDS  Lastly,   “Sanctions”   campaigns   pressure
                              National Committee (BNC).                     governments to fulfil their legal obligations to end
                                                                            Israeli  apartheid,  and  not  aid  or  assist  its
                              To  grasp  more  the  idea  of  BDS,  let’s  take  the  maintenance,  by  banning  business  with  illegal
                              name  word  by  word  and  explain  its  implication.  Israeli settlements, ending military trade and free-
                              First,  “Boycotts”  involve  withdrawing  support  trade  agreements,  as  well  as  suspending  Israel's
                              from  Israel's  apartheid  regime,  complicit  Israeli  membership  in  international  forums  such  as  UN
                              sporting,  cultural  and  academic  institutions,  and  bodies  and  FIFA.  Some  governments  have
                              from  all  Israeli  and  international  companies
                                                                            responded  to  public  pressure  by  taking  limited
     Back                     engaged in violations of Palestinian human rights   forms of sanctions against Israel or steps to ensure
                                                                            they do not contribute to its crimes.
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