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                              Vol.1, Issue 47, September 2022                               ELITE

                              Secondly, a few weeks ago Marvel announced that  If an entertainment company with such huge number
                              Israeli  superhero  Sabra  will  appear  in  the  next  of viewers, launches a new Israeli superhero feeding
                              Captain  America  movie.  The  comic  Sabra  was  the  idea  that  Israelis  are  brave  superheroes  to
                              introduced in the 80s, showing a superhero who is  children  and  youth  all  around  the  world,  it  will
                              often depicted wearing an Israeli flag costume and  definitely  impact  international  support  towards
                              has  a  deeply  racist,  anti-Muslim  origin  story  that  Palestine and Palestinians. Israelis aren’t superhorse,
                              dehumanize Palestinians. Sabra superpowers were  they shouldn’t be glorified in any way. Israelis are
                              created  in  order  to  serve  the  Mossed.  By  day,  oppressors and they should only be shown as such.
                              Sabra is also a police officer with Israeli military
                              training.  In  her  first  act  as  a  superhero,  Sabra  The question here isn’t about Google or Marvel, it’s
                              battles  the  Hulk  who  picks  up  the  body  of  a  about  the  reasons  behind  our  support  to  BDS  as  a
                              Palestinian child who was killed. It’s not until the  movement  and  a  concept.  Why  are  we,  as  simple
                              Hulk gives an emotional speech that Sabra sees the  individuals,  willing  to  go  to  such  lengths,  and
                              child as a human. The comic refers to Palestinians  making  our  lives  harder  by  boycotting  certain
                              only  as  Arabs,  a  trope  used  by  Israel  to  erase  products  and  brands?  There  is  two  answers  to  this
                              Palestinian identity and existence. It also relies on  question. The first is that you as an individual have
                              racist caricatures of Muslims throughout the story.  witnessed  the  Israeli  oppression  firsthand  and
                              Instead of righting its wrongs, Marvel is choosing  therefore find it outrageous to support this colonial
                              to  revive  a  racist  character  that  dehumanizes  power  in  any  way.  Which  means  that  you  are  a
                              Palestinians  while  Palestinians  are  still  suffering  Palestinian whether living in Palestine or a refugee
                              under  Israeli  oppression  daily.  Also,  we  have  to  in  any  other  country,  both  face  daily  difficulties
                              highlight  that  the  superhero  is  named  after  the  caused by Israel in the first place. The second, and
                              Sabra refugee camp in Lebanon, the same refugee  the more common, is that you participate in this act
                              camp where Israel massacred Palestinians in 1982  by  compassion  and  support  for  the  cause  just  like
                              after  they  closed  all  exits  to  make  sure  no  how  you  would  participate  in  protests,  share  posts
                              Palestinian could escape. While this seems trivial  about Israeli crimes or try to raise awareness about
                              next  to  google  technologies,  the  entertainment’s  the  cause.  Indeed,  boycotting  requires  an  extra
                              company fanbase constitutes 64% of adults aging  amount of compassion and strength especially if the
                              18-34  years  old  in  the  whole  world,  and  54%  product  you  have  to  boycott  is  one  you  frequently
                              adults in the world have watched all their movies  use.  The  second  case  is  more  ambiguous.
                              and series. This numbers date back to 2018, which  Compassion  can’t  be  measured,  we  can  perform
                              means  before  the  streaming  of  Avengers:  psychological test or experiments to tell if a person
                              Endgame, the rest of the Spiderman trilogy and the  is  compassionate  or  not,  but  we  can’t  tell  to  what
                              launch  of  phase  4  which  have  all  received  really  extent  is  this  person  compassionate.  Even  the  test
                              favorable  ratings  and  opinions  and  marvel  have  results can change over time, you can become more
                              been  the  topic  of  many  trends  lately.  Not  to  or   less   compassionate   with   accumulated
                              mention, that they also have younger viewers aging
     Back                     8-18 years old.
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