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                              Vol.1, Issue 47, September 2022                               ELITE

                              Impact  of  this  increase  on  developed  and Then,  some  emerging  countries  may  experience
                              developing countries                         financing  difficulties.  Since  the  debt  of  these
                              Developed countries                          countries  is  often  expressed  in  dollars  with  an
                              When the FED interest rate is high, US banks tend to increased  value,  countries  will  therefore  have
                              borrow  less  money  from  each  other.  So  the  cost  of repayment problems. It has become more difficult to
                              borrowing  will  be  higher,  so  expenses  will  be maintain a good level of liquidity or even solvency.
                              minimized.  This  leads  to  the  dollar  gaining  value According to the World Bank, nearly a third of the
                              against  other  currencies  “appreciating”.  American foreign  debt  of  the  poorest  countries  has  been
                              exports  will  therefore  be  less  important.  This  gives contracted  at  variable  rates.  In  a  context  of  rising
                              other developed countries the chance to dominate the interest  rates,  defaults,  similar  to  that  recorded  by
                              international market and be more competitive; since Sri Lanka in April, could occur. Similarly, countries
                              their currencies are now considered weak before the dependent  on  imports  of  mainly  American  foreign
                              dollar. As a result, their goods will be less expensive products will have a major problem when the dollar
                              compared to American goods. Major economies are rises. The monetary value of these imported goods
                              therefore expected to mark GDP growth. But this will or  services  will  be  greater  than  before.  In  short,
                              not  apply  to  the  United  Kingdom,  the  European developing countries will be negatively affected by
                              countries or Canada. In the UK, the Bank of England these decisions.  According to the United Nations, in
                              is expected to raise rates even though it expects the Africa,  the  slowdown  in  external  demand  of  the
                              economy  to  stagnate  over  the  next  two  years.  The European  Union  -  its  leading  trading  partner,
                              overall  situation  is  that  the  economic  problem  will accounting for about 33 percent of Africa's exports -
                              worsen  next  year  than  it  was  before  the  pandemic,' and  the  decline  in  monetary  and  financial  support
                              said Thomas Pugh, economist at RSM UK, a tax and hamper  economic  growth.  In  the  context  of  high
                              advisory firm. In Europe, the European Central Bank debt and high borrowing costs, many Governments
                              “ECB” raised its key interest rate by 0.75 points. It seek bilateral and multilateral aid to finance public
                              follows in the footsteps of the Fed and the Bank of investments.  There  is  increasing  pressure  to  cut
                              Canada.  The  reason  behind  the  ECB’s  rate  hike  is spending or increase taxes in many countries. Risks
                              simple:  for  Council  members,  inflation  was to regional security and local stability increase with
                              extremely  high  in  August;  it  was  9.1%  although  it increased  frustration  over  inflation,  job  shortages,
                              must  be  only  2%.  Since  the  global  context  was and economic mismanagement. In short, developing
                              already inflationary, all countries are trying to lower countries  will  be  adversely  affected  by  these
                              this inflation rate by raising key interest rates. So we decisions.
                              can deduce that the American economic condition did
                              not  impact  the  developed  countries  in  a  significant Obviously,  the  rise  in  key  interest  rates  in  the
                              way,  since  they  had  taken  decisions  more  or  less context  of  globalization  is  changing  a  lot  in  the
                              similar to those of the FED.                 global  economy.  When  an  international  economy
                              Impact of this increase on developing countries  and value chains are present, any national event in a
                              Internationally,  emerging  and  developing  countries large country will change the entire economic scene
                              could also be impacted by US monetary policy. The and  influence  the  entire  global  economy.
                              increase in American interest rates could, first of all, Globalization  has  not  made  the  economy  a  bad
                              lead to the flight of capital from those countries to the thing, even though it has changed the rules of game.
                              United  States,  which  is  exactly  what  happened  in This economic change should not be seen only on its
                              Egypt.  This  would  lead  the  central  banks  of  these negative  side;  Obviously,  globalization  has  many
                              countries to raise their own key interest rates and thus advantages.  With  globalization,  the  utility  of  the
                              suffer the risk of penalizing their own economies by consumer  is  increased  by  the  presence  of  large
                              entering a recession stage.                  numbers of products of different variety and quality.
                                                                           This  therefore  contributed  to  the  increase  in  its
                                                                           standard  of  living.  Even  producers  and  firms  have
                                                                           been  able  to  expand  their  activities  by  reaching
                                                                           markets  in  different  countries.  These  companies
                                                                           have had fairly significant growth rates. That is why
                                                                           we can deduce that all countries have an interest in
                                                                           being  part  of  economic  globalization.  No  doubt,
     Back                                                                  those  who  do  not  integrate  economically,  miss  a
                                                                           certain chance of development.
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