Page 21 - Issue-47
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                              Vol.1, Issue 47, September 2022                               ELITE

                                               The Reality of Artistic Swimming

                               A  combination  of  the  strength  and  power  of  Zeina Marei, fourth year - economics
                               weightlifters, the lung capacity of endurance and
                               long-distance swimming athletes, the flexibility  While there are a range of regulations and
                               of ballerinas and gymnasts, the jumping heights  technicalities required for specific routines,
                               of trampolinists, and most importantly the ear of  the  common  rules  of  artistic  swimming
                               a musician. Beyond demanding, yet graceful: I
                               present to you artistic swimming.             include not touching the bottom of the pool,
                               Artistic   swimming,   formerly   known   as  no  goggles  during  the  competition  swims,
                               synchronised  swimming,  is  a  sport  requiring  sticking  to  the  prescribed  routine  timing,
                               endurance,  strength,  flexibility,  and  a  sense  of  and no inappropriate costumes or jewellery.
                               rhythm  and  art,  proving  to  be  one  of  the  most  And  because  swimmers  are  also  critiqued
                               physically draining Olympic sports.           on presentation and impression, maintaining
                               A  performance,  or  rather  called  a  routine  in  eye  contact  with  the  judges  plays  a  huge
                               artistic  swimmers,  is  a  series  of  complex,  role in reflecting their professionalism and
                               dynamic,  creative,  and  acrobatic  movements  confidence, thus they can’t surface from the
                               accompanied by music, performed by a number   water squinting and rubbing their eyes.
                               of swimmers in a synchronised manner, or more   To  prep  for  competitions,  athletes  train  a
                               often than not in a solo routine. Swimmers can  minimum  of  4  hour  per  training  session
                               perform,  as  mentioned,  alone,  as  duets,  or  in
                               most cases, in teams of 4-8 swimmers, and are  from a very young age in off seasons, and
                               expected  to  follow  the  same  choreography  up  to  10  hours  in  competition  seasons.
                               throughout  their  swim  throughs.  One  very  Training sessions include strength training,
                               consistent goal, however, about the game is that  endurance   training,   acrobatics   and
                               swimmers always aim to be as synchronised and  gymnastics   training,   flexibility,   and
                               as high as possible, whether that be upside down  needless  to  be  mentioned,  swimming  and
                               with their legs up, or with their heads normally  pool  training,  all  divided  throughout  the
                               above  water,  or  whilst  lifting  one  another  in  week and thoroughly programmed to ensure
                               acrobatic elements.                           athletes are hitting the expected targets and
                               The  criteria  to  join  is  rather  simple,  only  peaking by competition.
                               requiring  athletes  to  have  a  background  in    So,  the  sport  is  indeed  basically  just
                               swimming, and not even at a professional level.  dancing in the water, yet there is so much
                               A  plus  is  joining  from  a  very  young  age,  as  more to it than what meets the naked eye!
     Back                      young  as  6  years  old,  because  given  the
                               complications of the sport, athletes joining later
   To FEPS                     than  that  tend  to  fall  behind  and  struggle  with                             19
   To FEPS
   To FEPS
                               catching up.
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