Page 19 - Issue-47
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                              Vol.1, Issue 47, September 2022                               ELITE

                                                 Gun Control in the USA:

                                                      Will it ever happen?

                             The  second  amendment  of  the  United      Reem Omran, Fourth Year - Economics
                             States' constitution is by far one of the
                             most disputed ones to ever exist, since        per  capita  number  of  weapons  in  the
                             it   constitutionally    protects    gun       world  is  found  in  the  United  States,

                             possessions, and it goes as follows:           whereas there are 120.5 guns for every
                             "A    well-regulated     Militia,   being      100  residents.  And  that's  only  taking
                             necessary  to  the  security  of  a  free      into account the "legal" gun purchases,

                             State,  the  right  of  the  people  to  keep  as the illegal market of guns is a whole
                             and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."        other crisis of its own.
                             Although      that   amendment       was       During  the  last  decade,  the  United
                             necessarily  put  in  place  in  order  to     States  have  witnessed  mass  shootings

                             ensure  public  safety,  it  has  certainly    like  never  before,  especially  ones
                             backfired.  In  this  age  and  day,  the      targeting  schools;  For  instance,  288
                             United States has the highest homicide-        school  shooting  took  place  in  the

                             by-firearm  rate  among  developed             period between 2009 and 2018, with 47
                             countries. The situation is so bad that,       incidents just in 2018 alone.
                             in  fact,  the  mass  shootings  are  so
                             common  that  the  great  majority  of
                             them  go  unreported  by  major  media

                             sources;  The  ones  that  just  so  happen
                             to  be  significant  or  horrible  enough
                             make the final cut.

                             The  legal  age  for  a  US  citizen  to
                             purchase a gun ranges between 18 and
                             21 across the different states, making it
     Back                    quite  accessible  for  the  vast  majority.
                             Accordingly, to a  recent  study  carried
   To FEPS                   out in 2021 found that the biggest                                                    17
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