Page 20 - Issue-47
P. 20

                              Vol.1, Issue 47, September 2022                               ELITE

                             However,  a  whole  new  version  of  US

                             mass  shootings  emerged  during  2022,
                             which is ones in hospitals! 2 incidents of
                             hospitals shooting sprees were recorded

                             in  June  and  September  of  this  year,
                             which is just bizarre. On the other hand,
                             general  gun  violence  incidents,  as  a
                             result  of  the  loose  laws  in  the  country,
                             occur on a daily basis.

                                                                            On  the  contrast,  the  other  half  of  the
                                                                            population  still  support  the  second

                                                                            amendment; As a matter of fact, some
                                                                            of  them  even  call  for  looser  laws,
                                                                            claiming they always need to stay one
                                                                            step  ahead  and  protect  themselves.

                                                                            Another strong claim from their side is
                                                                            that  they  believe  that  gun  ownership
                                                                            deters  crime  rather  than  increase  it,
                             Feeling unsafe in your school, hospital,       despite the statistics that say otherwise;

                             street,  and  even  homes,  is  what           In  other  words,  they  believe  the
                             prompted millions of Americans to call         situation  would've  somehow  been
                             out  immediate  gun  control  over  the        much worse if it weren't for the second
                             states.  Protests  and  social  media          amendment.  The  majority  of  the
                             campaigns demanding stricter gun laws          Republicans  party  stands  in  favor  of

                             have been a personal priority for many.        this view.
                             A study carried out during April 2021          The US president, Joe Biden, dropped
                             revealed  that  roughly  half  of  the  US     a  bombshell  tweet  in  late  September,

                             citizens,  52%  to  be  exact,  favor          announcing  the  possible  movement
                             imposing stricter gun laws. 81% of the         towards  gun  control  in  the  states.
                             Democratic  party  has  also  expressed        Although it's not the first time a similar
                             the  same  demands,  as  per  the  same        statement  has  been  made,  may  this
                             study.                                         time be actually any different?

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