Page 15 - Issue-47
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                              Vol.1, Issue 47, September 2022                               ELITE

                                         In  the  context  of  economic  globalization,  how
                                         does  the  rise  in  the  American  interest  rate

                                         influence the global economy ?
                                                                            Mariam Younis, Level 3- Economics
                               In  the  face  of  increased  inflation  in  the
                               United  States,  the  Federal  Reserve  (FED)
                               keeps  increasing  the  key  interest  rate,  Market of goods & services
                               which  is  generally  the  overnight  interest  As  already  mentioned,  the  decision  to
                               rate  set  by  a  country’s  central  bank  to  raise the key interest rate is taken by the
                               regulate  economic  activity.  According  to  FED  to  combat  the  increased  inflation
                               “Le  Point”,  the  French  weekly  news      which had reached 8.5% in July this year.
                               magazine,  this  increase  was  the  largest  In September, we saw inflation fall to 8.3%;
                               increase  since  1994.  In  the  context  of  but  unfortunately,  according  to  the  US
                               economic globalization, where the world is   Bureau  of  Labor  Statistics,  housing,  food
                               highly  connected  through  international    and  even  car  prices  continued  to  rise.  In
                               trade,  foreign  investment  and  supply     other words, lower inflation is due to lower
                               chains,  This  increase  influences  not  only  oil   prices,   not   lower   living   costs.
                               the American economic condition but the      Economists believe that the United States
                               global  economy  as  a  whole.  As  Jacques  is  the  world’s  largest  economy,  showing
                               Chirac said, “globalization is a new face of  only a few signs of slowing demand. In the
                               human adventure”. We will therefore know     short  term,  rising  interest  rates  do  not
                               the impact of the increase in the FED key    abruptly  reduce  inflation,  but  rather  lead
                               rate  on  the  global  economy  in  general  in  to  lower  consumption.  That  is  to  say,
                               the context of this new human adventure      consumers,  trying  to  benefit  from  the
                               in three different aspects. The first aspect  increase  in  policy  rates,  are  beginning  to
                               will  focus  on  the  American  economic     increase  their  savings  and  reduce  their
                               situation. The second aspect will focus on   spending.  This  forced  slowdown  in
                               the  rest  of  the  world.  In  a  second  place,  consumption  may  weigh  on  the  US
                               the condition of world exchanges and the     economy, raising fears of a “recession” or
                               price  of  oil  will  be  presented.  Finally,  we  a  “stagflation”.  This  slowdown  is  very
                               develop    the   economic     health   of    harmful  economically  and  will  be  felt  in
                               developed and developing countries.          the labour market.
                               The condition of the American market         Labour market
                               In order to explain the American economic    Probably,  this  drop  in  consumption
                               situation, we will present three markets of  negatively  influences  corporate  profits.
                               great importance: the goods and services     These companies, like any capitalist entity
                               market,  the  labour  market  and  finally  the  aiming  to  increase  their  profits  and
                               market of funds. Through this explanation,   minimize their costs, will therefore reduce
     Back                      we can analyze the economic condition of     their demand for jobs or even lay off a few
                               both the producer and the consumer. That
                                                                            workers; this will cause unemployment to
   To FEPS                     will give us more or less a complete view    rise again.                            13
   To FEPS
   To FEPS
                               of the American market.
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