Page 13 - Issue-47
P. 13

                              Vol.1, Issue 47, September 2022                               ELITE

                              And  there  is  always  the  question  of  ambiguous   Or,  you  can  buy  those  Puma  shorts  because  you
                              correlation, is the person boycotting per compassion  like them way better than any other brand. Or, buy
                              or is he boycotting because he has to live up to the  the HP laptop instead of any other brand because it
                              social  perception  of  himself  as  a  compassionate  has  better  features  and  price.  Even,  I  at  this  exact
                              person? Well here is the thing, we don’t know. And  moment  am  uploading  this  article  using  a  Google
                              it  is  this  kind  of  ambiguity  that  renders  the  second  browser, and after I finish I will probably open my
                              group  weaker  and  doubtful,  for  example  if  BDS  Google  drive  or  check  my  Gmail  because  simply
                              launches a campaign against Google how many will  I’m used to it. And while we do all that we say to
                              be  actually  willing  to  just  switch  to  Safari  or  ourselves “it doesn’t matter anyway if I’m the only
                              Microsoft edge or any other browser? Well, we can’t  person  taking  action”.  Well,  that  is  true.  But  you
                              be sure but personally I don’t think they will be a lot.  know  what  else  is  true?  The  first  lesson  of
                              And I’m not saying this to blame, at the end of the  adulthood: if you don’t do it yourself, no one will do
                              day  every  person  does  what  he  can,  and  a  small  it  for  you.  Just  like  how  once  you  grow  up,  you
                              action  is  better  than  none.  But  the  difficulty  of  the  learn  that  you  have  to  pay  your  bills,  wash  the
                              action  and  our  willingness  to  go  through  with  it  dishes and clean the house because simply no one
                              despite  the  difficulty  brings  up  a  question  of  faith  will do it for you. If YOU don’t take actions for the
                              and belief. Do we really believe that our actions are  sake of the cause that YOU support, no one will do
                              making a difference? Do we really believe that the  it for you. Maybe we are not living under blockade
                              Israeli  retaliation  in  form  of  bombardments  means  or face daily oppression, but even those who support
                              we  are  affecting  them?  Do  we  really  believe  that  Palestine  from  afar  struggle  mentally  with  the
                              activism  on  social  media  is  making  Palestinians’  doubts and endless questions. Every time we see a
                              voice  more  heard?  Are  we  really  capable  as  post about a new crime to humanity, we are filled
                              individuals  of  impacting  governments  and  making  with  rage  and  helplessness  and  the  first  thing  that
                              them  acts?  Will  there  ever  be  a  real  solution  that  comes  to  mind  is  “if  this  is  how  I  feel  from  here,
                              isn’t just a settling one? Do we really believe it when  then how does it feel like to be there in the middle
                              we say “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be  of  it  all?”.  So  let  this  be  your  reminder  to  take
                              free”?                                       action,  think  about  what  we  can  do  from  your
                                                                           position  (as  an  individual,  an  institution  or  even  a
                              Every time we take an action as simple as sharing a  responsible) and do it without overthinking it. And
                              post we dismiss all the doubtful question for a simple  remember it’s all about belief, faith and hope.
                              reason:  hope.  The  thing  about  boycotting  is  that  it
                              might seem like a simple personal choice but in fact
                              it  is  heavily  impacted  by  society  as  well.  Just  like
                              most day-to-day actions, we are taking decision that
                              is  influenced  by  group  pressure  and  societal
                              conformity  more  than  we  think.  When  it  comes  to
     Back                     reality,  you  can  probably  succumb  to  your  friends’
                              pressure  to  go  watch  the  latest  Marvel  movie
   To FEPS                    together.                                                                             11
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