Page 9 - Issue-47
P. 9

                              Vol.1, Issue 47, September 2022                               ELITE

                                                FEPS WELCOME WEEK

                                    introducing Activities of the Women's Studies Unit

                                Yasmine Aladdin, FEPS Political Science Teaching assistant

                              Every  year,  our  dear  college  receives  hundreds  of  the

                              best students in Egypt, who are interested in the topics
                              of  economics,  political  science  and  statistics.  And  In

                              order for our new students to be able to integrate easily

                              into  the  college  community,  our  faculty  holds  at  the

                              beginning  of  each  academic  year  a  week  to  welcome
                              new  students,  in  which  they  are  introduced  to  the

                              various dimensions of study in the faculty and offers an

                              explanation of the activities in it.

                              An important example of such activities is the Women's

                              Studies  Unit  in  FEPS  .At  one  of  the  week's  sessions,

                              Yasmine  Aladdin,  Political  Science  Teaching  Assistant
                              and Researcher at the Women's Studies Unit, presented

                              the  history  of  the  Women's  Studies  Unit  and  the

                              importance of the FEPS Professional Master's Degree in
                              "Gender  and  Development"  as  the  first  Master's  in  a

                              national  university  combining  the  practical  and

                              professional  aspect  and  opening  it  up  to  all  students,

                              researchers and experts from all discipline to contribute
     Back                     to gender-sensitive scientific studies.
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