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                              Vol.1, Issue 47, September 2022                               ELITE

                             Dr. Hana Khair El-Din - may God have mercy on her -   I  remained  in  that  position  until  the  January  25
                             Dr.  Naglaa  Al-Ahwany  and  Dr.  Samiha  Fawzy.  Of revolution,  and  at  that  time,  Dr.  Fayza  Abul-Naga  is
                             course, I remember Dr. Naglaa Al-Ahwani's discussion the Minister of International Cooperation and I had the
                             with me, and she was one of the jury members for my honor to work with her after the revolution, when the
                             master's  thesis.  My  relationship  with  the  two Ministries  of  International  Cooperation  and  Planning
                             professors later continued in the field of work. When I were merged. After that, I traveled to Kuwait to work
                             joined the ministry, Dr. Najla Al-Ahwany, Advisor to there  for  several  months.  And  when  I  returned  on
                             the  Prime  Minister,  and  until  now  we  are  both vacation was the formation of a government d. Hisham
                             members  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Central Qandil and I talked to d. Fayza told me that she would
                             Bank,  and  also  Dr.  Samiha  Fawzy  worked  with  her  nominate  me  to  take  over  the  ministry  after  her,  and
                             upon  my  return  from  the  doctoral  mission  in  the  that was in August 2012. It was of course a difficult
                             United States, within the framework of the government  period,  but  I  worked  in  the  ministry  until  the
                             of Dr. Ahmed Nazif was d. Samiha at that time, First  ministerial reshuffle in May 2013. I was preparing for
                             Assistant  Minister  of  Industry,  Engineer  Rashid  my  return  to  Kuwait,  but  after  that  the  June  30
                             Muhammad Rashid. Dr. Samiha had a personality that  revolution  and  the  formation  of  the  ministry  of  Dr.
                             combined  science  and  knowledge,  wit,  decisiveness  Hazem  Al-Beblawi,  I  was  informed  of  my  choice  as
                             and seriousness. I also remember Dr. Ahmed Youssef  Minister  of  Planning  again.  So,  of  course,  it  is  a
                             from  the  Department  of  Political  Science,  who  liked  nervous  and  different  period,  and  I  am  already
                             me in the Department of Political Science, in addition,  considered  one  of  the  few  who  headed  ministries  in
                                                                           several different regimes, not just periods. I served in
                             of course, to Dr. Hazem Hosni.        title
                                                                           the ministry under three presidents of the republic and
                             You  assumed  the  planning  portfolio  in  light  of  four  different  heads  of  government.  But  I  am  very
                                                                           proud  that,  despite  the  multiplicity  of  systems  and
                             exceptional  political  and  economic  circumstances  directions during which I assumed the ministry, I did
                             from  2012  to  2017,  how  can  you  evaluate  this  not  do  any  work  in  the  ministry  contrary  to  my
                             important experience and the challenges you faced?  convictions.
                             After I returned from my doctoral scholarship in mid-
                             2004, and that mission was affiliated with the National  The name "planning" is always associated with the
                             Planning Institute, after I was appointed as a teaching  socialist era, and the institute and the ministry are
                             assistant  at  the  institute,  and  I  owed  that  shift  in  my  remnants of that era. What are the new roles that
                             career path to Dr. Ismail Sabry, as he was the one who  the ministry and the institute play in order to play
                             nominated me to Dr. Kamal Al-Ganzouri at that time.  their role in our capitalist context?
                             Dr. Ismail was an encyclopedist and knowledgeable to  Of course, this is one of the misconceptions, which is
                             an impressive degree, and I remember that he used to  the link between planning and socialism, although we
                             write  an  article  in  Al-Ahali  newspaper  every teach that even in the courses, which is the multiplicity
                             Wednesday under the title “Words and Meanings” and of  planning  methods,  there  is  central  planning  where
                             he would ask me about my opinion, and I, of course, the state plans and implements and the state owns all
                             was impressed by that because I was still young and a the  companies  and  this  central  type  no  longer  exists
                             recent graduate, but I remember his word in particular: anywhere  because  of  its  failure  even  In  countries
                             You  are  my  most  important  reader  because  you  The currently classified as socialist countries.
                             first  of  them.  Therefore,  Dr.  Ismail  gave  me  great   We  find  that,  on  the  contrary,  the  importance  of
                             confidence in myself in the truth of the matter, and he planning increases in the light of the market economy,
                             had a rare library that was given to the Institute after but  it  is  indicative  planning,  where  the  state  gives
                             his  death,  and  I  often  went  to  it  and  read  its  books. signals to the market, and it is a type of planning that
                             Was Dr. Ismael is the one who introduced me to Dr. requires the state to set clear goals and plans, such as
                             Kamal Al-Ganzouri to appoint me to the institute, and those  included  in  the  Egypt  Vision  2030  document.
                             one  of  his  goals  was  to  join  the  mission,  because  of Then the question becomes how do the goals translate
                             course the opportunity is greater in the institute due to into actions? And that is by providing the market with
                             the smaller number compared to universities.  those  signals  that  we  talked  about.  Thus,  indicative
                             The important thing is when I came back, as I said, I planning tools are completely different from the other
                             worked with an engineer. Rasheed and Dr. Samiha at  type.  We  actually  find  this  in  any  capitalist  country,
                             the Ministry of Industry in addition to my work at the  even if there is no ministry, institute or official agency
                             Institute.  Then  it  followed  that  Dr.  Majed  Othman,  for planning, but the general plan of the state always
                             who  was  the  head  of  the  Information  and  Decision  exists,  especially  in  light  of  the  broad  concept  of
                             Support Center in the Council of Ministers at the time  development, which is no longer limited to economic
                             -  and  we  had  worked  together  before  on  the  first  indicators  such  as  investment  and  others,  but  also
                             population  report  -  and  he  also  offered  me  to  work  includes  society,  environment  and  sustainable
                             with  him  in  the  center.  It  followed  that  Dr.  Othman  development.
                             Mohamed Othman - and he was one of the members of
                             the  committee  that  appointed  me  to  the  institute  in
                             addition to his being the Minister of Planning at that
                             time - offered me a job in the Ministry of Planning, so
                             I became between teaching at the institute, the Faculty
                             of  Economics  at  Cairo  University,  the  Information
                             Center,  the  Ministry  of  Industry  and  the  Ministry  of
                             Planning  during  that  period.  This  period  played  an
                             important role in introducing me to government work
                             and also gave me confidence in myself. Then the next
                             shift was that I was appointed Director of the Office of
     Back                    the  Minister  of  Planning,  Dr.  Othman  Muhammad
                             Othman at the beginning of 2006.
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