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                              Vol.1, Issue 47, September 2022                               ELITE

                    Translated by nada mohamed  I want my doll

                                       Prof. Hanan M. Aly, FEPS Vice Dean for Education and Students'  affairs

                              On  a  cold  autumn  day,  while  the  trees  quietly    She  added,  "Look  at  your  five-year-old  daughter.
                              succumb  to  their  leaves,  the  sun  slowly  sets,  the  Will  you  leave  us  here  alone?"  Will  you  leave  us
                              weather is getting ready to get cloudy, and the birds  afraid? Do you..
                              eagerly prepare to leave their nests,          My  father  interrupted  her,  saying:  Enough..  He
                               I was sleeping in my room, so I heard my father and  lowered his head, after his face became covered with
                              mother talking in a low voice, then I started hearing  tears.
                              their voice getting louder little by little, which I was   My mother, begging him, said: Do you remember..
                              not used to before, and suddenly my mother started  We left our city, our families and our friends, and we
                              wailing,                                     came here two years ago to move the headquarters of
                               I had nothing to do , I was confused about my matter  the company in which you work,
                              and I fell in my thoughts ..                   And  she  added:  Have  you  forgotten  that  I  have
                               I don't understand why my mom is crying like that?!  hardly found a job here, and live under the threat of
                              There must have been a major issue...        being laid off?
                                My  grandmother  may  have  passed  away..or  my   He said sadly: I cannot bear to sit here idly by.. and
                              mother may have been fired from her work...  to let the enemy occupy my country..
                               While  I  was  thinking,  my  father  opened  my  room   To injure and kill.. to destroy and exterminate..
                              and  walked  towards  me  without  greeting  me  in  the   She looked at him with pain in her heart, and said:
                              morning as he used to, and kissed me and hugged me  There is an army trained in carrying arms, which will
                              tightly and cried.. I did not understand.. I said gently:  defend  our  country,  eliminate  our  enemy,  and
                              What makes you cry, Dad?                     preserve our glory.
                               He quickly wiped the tears from his eyes, and said: I   He said to her, wondering: Have you not seen how
                              will travel to another city, and be away from you for  the enemy forces entered so many cities? Did you not
                              a while,                                     hear about the wounded and dead? Did you not think
                               So I was troubled, sad, and afraid, and before I could  that our defense of the border cities prevented them
                              say anything, he said to me: I want you to obey your  from incurring and reaching us here?
                              mother, and not to disobey her order.         She  said  with  tears  in  her  eyes:  What  should  my
                               Here my mother entered the room with pain in her  daughter and I do if something happened to you?
                              heart, sadness on her face, and tears in her eyes.   He interrupted her and hugged me and my mother,
     Back                      And I asked him: does not you get emotional?Does  saying: If I die, I will be a martyr who defended his
                                                                           homeland,  and  if  survived,  I  will  only  return
                              your  decision  change?  Does  not  you  follow  your
   To FEPS                    intuition?                                   victorious.                              5
   To FEPS
   To FEPS
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