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                              Vol.1, Issue 47, September 2022                               ELITE

                             Thus,  indicative  planning  tools  are  completely This  is  due  to  the  necessity  of  carrying  out  many
                             different from the other type. We actually find this in structural reforms, which are usually delayed in Egypt
                             any  capitalist  country,  even  if  there  is  no  ministry, and  in  many  developing  countries  in  general.  For
                             institute  or  official  agency  for  planning,  but  the example,  we  find  that  the  Argentine  State  has  so  far
                             general  plan  of  the  state  always  exists,  especially  in not given up the support of the International Monetary
                             light of the broad concept of development, which is no Fund,  because  of  the  countries'  rush  to  be  satisfied
                             longer  limited  to  economic  indicators  such  as  with  the  initial  results  of  reform  programs  with  the
                             investment  and  others,  but  also  includes  society,  Fund  without  completing  the  necessary  steps  for
                             environment  and  sustainable  development.  Thus,  the  reform.  After  stability,  the  focus  should  be  on
                             dimensions  are  multi-dimensional,  intertwined,  and  improving the investment environment, supporting the
                             require  planning.  So  the  permanent  link  between  productive and industrial sectors, reducing imports and
                             planning  and  socialism  is  a  misconception  and  we  increasing exports.
                             always  try  to  fix  it  on  more  than  one  occasion  and  Therefore,  the  current  crisis  is  summed  up  in  the
                             highlight  the  importance  of  planning  in  the  market  exchange  rate  crisis  and  the  decline  in  reserves,  and
                             economy and its various tools such as: incentives and  therefore negotiations are currently underway with the
                             the  concept  of  the  developmental  state  and  support  International  Monetary  Fund.  However,  despite  the
                             sectors  with  competitive  industrial  advantage,  so  the  current  challenges,  opportunities  also  exist.  We  now
                             state’s intervention is smart intervention.  find,  for  example,  that  with  the  deterioration  of  the
                              Definitely  the  talk  of  the  hour  is  the  trend  again  exchange rate, our exports have become less expensive
                                                                          and therefore more competitive. But the problem lies
                             towards floating the pound and borrowing from the  in  the  fact  that  the  positive  effects  of  these
                             International Monetary Fund. How do you evaluate  opportunities are medium or long-term, while the cost
                             this  step  and  its  consequences  for  the  Egyptian  is  short-term,  so  we  find  the  problem  of  inflation
                             economy?                                     continues, and while the Central Bank seeks to contain
                             Of  course,  we  have  gone  through  this  step  several  it  by  raising  the  interest  rate,  this  negatively  affects
                             times before. For any country to develop, there must
                             be a state of political and security stability. We can say  investment,  and  this  is  of  course  the  nature  of  the
                             that Egypt was able to restore this stability to a large
                             extent after the two revolutions. But the very important
                             next  step  is  to  achieve  economic  stability  (financial
                             and monetary).
                             Any  guarantee  that  the  exchange  rate,  commodity
                             prices,  interest  and  investment  policies  are  stable  as
                             well as tax policies. Hence, stability is the basis of any
                              The problem we are currently facing is that crises and
                             periods of instability are becoming more and more
                             frequent. Of course, the idea of   globalization has
                             contributed to this, as happened, for example, after the
                             Ukrainian crisis. Today, we see what is happening in
                             the global monetary market, the exchange rate,
                             commodity prices, value chains and supply chains, and
                             the changes and challenges that all of these processes
                             are witnessing. What makes the state able to be
                             satisfied with the support of the International
                             Monetary Fund as a start and to continue the process
                             without it later is the ability to carry out the necessary
                             structural reforms. We recall the time when the late  The global economy suffers from several crises, the
                             President Mubarak in 1981 held an economic    impact  of  which  was  increased  by  the  Ukrainian
                             conference aimed at determining the path between  crisis  and  the  steps  of  the  US  Federal  Reserve
                             openness and socialism.                       towards raising the interest rate and the subsequent
                                                                           capital  flight.  How  do  you  assess  the  scene  of  the
                                                                           global economy and its outcomes?
                                                                            As  we  know  all  the  forecasts  and  reports  show  the
                                                                           reality of the unfavorable global scene of the decline in
                                                                           the growth rate and the general slowdown in the global
                                                                           economy,  and  we  certainly  expect  its  impact  on  the
                                                                           Suez Canal and tourism. The problem lies in the fact
                                                                           that this slowdown is accompanied by inflation, which
                                                                           is  a  state  of  stagflation,  as  we  have  learned  in
                                                                           economics.  As  for  the  interest  rate  hike  by  the  US
                                                                           Federal  Reserve,  it  is  expected  and  announced  for
                                                                           some time, and this was reflected in reducing liquidity
                                                                           in  addition  to  raising  the  cost  of  loans.  Therefore,  in
                                                                           the coming period, we must focus on strengthening the
                                                                           ability  of  Arab  economies  to  withstand  crises,  by
                                                                           strengthening the economy and increasing its capacity
                                                                           for self-sufficiency, in addition to relying on the region
                                                                           in  what  is  known  as  regional  value  chains.  These
     Back                                                                  present time rather than the idea of   togetherness as it
                                                                           chains  are  based  on  the  exchange  of  interests  at  the
                                                                           was  in  the  past.  So  opportunities  lie  in  the  midst  of
   To FEPS                                                                 challenges, and this is where the value of planning and
   To FEPS
   To FEPS
                                                                           expectations stand out.
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