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ELITE                                     STAND UP AGAINST BULLYING & VIOLENCE           #No_Bullying

         stimulates  emotions.  "Buy  Now",  "Click  Here"
         and "Discount" are some of the basic examples of
         the  colour's  usage.  Think  about  the  famous
         Netflix  and  YouTube  logos  and  how  their

         branding  strategies  attract  you  to  join  and  start
         watching. Red is also said to have an influence
         on increasing people’s appetite if combined with
         another    primary    colour    like   yellow…
         McDonald's  maybe?  But  beware,  as  if  not  used                                                          g
         adequately, red could evoke a sense of danger. So    Being a secondary colour, orange might not be as        n i y
                                                              daring  as  red,  but  it  definitely  still  holds  the  l l
                                                              playfulness of yellow. It's a youthful colour often     b r e
                                                              used with a young audience for a more friendly          b y
                                                              branding;  just  like  how  Nickelodeon  does  it  by   c   g n
                                                              sparking enthusiasm and creativity. Moreover, it        i d u
                                                              is associated with citrus and vitamin C products        l c n
                                                              and drinks.                                             l o
                                                              Moving on to the cool colours, blue comes at the        o h c
                                                              very front. The colour of waves and skies, blue,        s   t a
                                                              evokes  serenity  and  calmness  leading  to              g n
         if you're looking for a loud, move-to-action kind    intensifying trust and stability. And that's exactly    i y l l

         of brand, red will surely stand out.                 what  banks  need.  Remember  the  CIB's  slogan;       u b
         Sunshine,  hope  and  joy…  The  colour  yellow      “A bank to trust” ? Well, banks are not the only        n a
         arouses  cheerfulness  and  positivity.  It  always  ones who use blue, most large corporations know           e c
         speaks  to  the  kid  inside  of  us  just  like  Nesquik  how  to  use  their  colour  strategies  too.  From  n e l
         and Chupa Chups do. As a playful colour that is      Facebook  and  Twitter  to  Samsung  and  PayPal,       o i v
         also an eyecatcher, yellow is the ideal choice for   they  all  rely  on  the  safe  atmosphere  that  blue  s n
         accenting  any  design.  Think  of  taxicabs  and    shades tend to create.                                  i a g
         warning  signs.  Bright  yellow  works  on  enticing                                                         a   y
         one's  nerves  and  senses.  However,  if  overused,                                                         a d   l
         yellow could cause stress and anxiety and could                                                              a n
         cause  some  to  be  somewhat  more  judgmental.                                                             o i t a
         Furthermore,  companies  like  Shell,  DHL  and                                                              n r e
         Ikea  use  yellow  to  provide  a  sense  of  easy                                                           t n I
         accessibility and speed.                                                                                       e h

                                                               From the lucky clover leaves to the dollar sign,
                                                               green  is  always  linked  with  nature  and  wealth.
                                                               What makes it a great match to any environment
                                                               or sustainability related product is that it

                                         Vol.1 ,Issue 37, November 2021                                     25
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