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ELITE                                     STAND UP AGAINST BULLYING & VIOLENCE           #No_Bullying

                                                              There  is  a  high  demand  for  the  Metaverse,  and
                                                              powerful engines and platforms that can be used
                                                              to build the Metaverse — such as Epic Games’
                                                              Unreal  Engine,  Unity,  and  Nvidia's  Omniverse

                                                              — already exist.
                                                              However,  the  technology  needed  to  fully
                                                              immerse users is still very limited. That is why
                                                              technology  companies  like  Meta  and  gaming
                                                              companies    are  rushing  to  invest  in  the          g
                                                              development  of  immersive  hardware  like              n i y l
                                                              augmented reality glasses and virtual headsets.         l u b

                                                              In  conclusion,  the  Metaverse  is  hard  to  define,  r e b
                                                              but  it  can  be  referred  to  as  an  immersive  3D   y c   g

         With  the  right  technology,  you  could  even      virtual  world  where  people  can  communicate         n i d u
         experience  the  wonders  of  the  present,  past,  or  with each other and interact with everything in it.   l c n
         even fictional world using your five senses from     However,  instead  of  a  phone  acting  as  the  link  i   l o
         the comfort of your own home. How delightful         between you and the Internet, augmented reality         o h c
         does that sound?                                     wear, virtual reality headsets, and even implanted      s   t a

         Now  that  we  know  what  the  Metaverse  is  not,  chips  will  be  the  link  between  our  physical        g n i
         we can define what experts believe will be some      bodies and the Metaverse.                               y l l
         of the characteristics of the Metaverse.             While some people fear it will be the demise of         u b   d
         First,  experts  think  that  the  Metaverse  will  be  humanity  in  the  long  run  and  the  creation  of  a  n a
         persistent;  continuing  endlessly  without  pause.  dystopian  Matrix,  others  are  incredibly  excited    e c n
         Not only will it be persistent, but it will also be  about the avenues the Metaverse may open.               e l o

         synchronous and live, where events take place in     With  the  birth  of  the  Internet,  the  world  was   i v   t
         real-time  for  everyone.  Second,  the  Metaverse   never the same. And just as we cannot imagine           s n i a
         will be a blend of both the physical and virtual     what  the  world  would  look  like  without  the       g a
         worlds.                                              Internet  today,  I  believe  that  future  generations  y a d
         Third, it will be interoperable, meaning that the    will  not  be  able  to  imagine  life  without  the      l a
         different  systems  within  the  Metaverse  will  be  Metaverse.                                             n o i t
         connected  and  able  to  exchange  information.                                                             a n r

         Fourth,  it  will  be  a  fully  functioning  economy                                                        e t n
         where anyone can buy, sell, create, and invest in                                                            I   e h
         works.  Finally,  the  Metaverse  will  not  have  a                                                         t   g
         sole  creator;  many  individuals  and  businesses                                                           n i t a
         will contribute to creating it.                                                                              r b e
         From  these  attributes,  we  can  deduce  that  the                                                         l e C

         Metaverse  will  become  a  reality  once  we  have                                                          *
         demand,  the  right  software,  and  hardware.  We
         can consider the first two criteria of our checklist

                                         Vol.1 ,Issue 37, November 2021                                    20
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