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ELITE                                     STAND UP AGAINST BULLYING & VIOLENCE           #No_Bullying


       Serological studies have actually proven that Jews      But  then,  the  descendants  of  the  Jews  had  their    g n
       display  a  high  rate  of  variation  in  blood  groups,  bloods mixed with other strangers and foreigners.   d u
       which denies the homogeneity of their origin. As a      Up to the point where they have been occupied by       c n
       result, Jews only represent a geographical unity (the   people with no relation to Isaac or his son Israel.    l o
       first truth). Based on this last decisive judgment, the  So,  Todays’  Jews  are  relatives  to  the  Europeans  h c
       authors  of  "We  are  the  Europeans"  commented:      and Americans where they now represent a crucial       s   t a
       "We rightly believe that Jews cannot be classified      part  or  segment  of  them,  even  if  the  religion    g n
       as a nation or as an anthropological unit, but rather   differed.  Accordingly,  the  Jews  of  Europe  and    i y l l
       as a social religious group."                           America are not strangers as they claim. For they      u b
       However,  Political  Zionism  is  trying  in  vain  to  are descendants of the natives, with religion as the   n a
       establish from the universal Judaism a population, a    only distinction between them. However, Jews are         e c
       nation  and  a  nationality.  This  is  not  only  a    truly considered as outsiders in the Home of Arabs,    n e l
       falsification of the reality but also of history as most  Palestine. Where their existence represents nothing  o i v
       of the world’s Jews are transformed foreigners.         but  colonialism  and  rape  through  oppression  and  s n
       According to a scientific study held by the British     extortion.                                             i a g
       scientist James Fenton; 95% of Jews do not belong       By that, our short journey ends, dear reader, yet it   a   y
       to  the  children  of  Israel  but  are  transformed    will be renewed once again and always. However,        a d   l
       foreigners.  Where  the  genetic  character  differs    we  must  always  avoid  and  prevent  any  of  their  a n
       totally  between  the  Torah  Jews  and  Todays’  Jews  attempts to influence our thought and culture. It is   o i t a
       from a scientific perspective (the second truth).       over and enough is enough!                             n r e
       Hence, we have the right to claim that Today's Jews     We  have  our  Arabism  and  Palestine  is  ours.  No  t n I
       are  not  the  children  of  Israel  -the  children  of  matter  how  hard  they  try  and  how  intense  their    e h t

       Prophets  Isaac  and  Yacoub-  and  that  there  is  no  power  and  force  become,  they  -by  one  way  or     g n
       common bond between both except for the religion.       another- are going to be defeated.                     i t a
       Only the religion.                                      Do you know why?!
       Thus,  there  is  no  current  blood  relation  between  Yes, because we always own both the right and the     l e C
       Arabs and Jews. We all agree that the Torah Jews        truth.                                                 *
       and Arabs are cousins, where Ismail is the father of
       Arabs and Isaac is the father of the Jews.

                                         Vol.1 ,Issue 37, November 2021                                     23
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