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ELITE                                     STAND UP AGAINST BULLYING & VIOLENCE           #No_Bullying

         represents  plants,  which  in  turn  helps  in       Given  its  great  connection  to  Earth,  brown  is
         encompassing  a  sense  of  freshness  and  the       perceived as a natural colour that induces a warm
         enjoyment of an organic feel. As for the darker       down  to  earth  feeling.  Brands  related  to  coffee
         shades, they mostly represent prestige and money      and chocolate like TBS, Galaxy or Hershey's use

         and are better suited for high-end brands similar     brown as their main color.
         to Starbucks.
         Did  you  know  that  Queen  Elizabeth  I  banned
         non-royals from wearing purple for years? That's
         how elite the colour is! Purple is a combination                                                             g
         of two extremes: the fiery of red and the coolness                                                           n i y
         of  blue  creating  a  nice  balance  between                                                                l l u
         stimulation and serenity. It transmits regal vibes                                                           b r e
         and luxury. With regards to its usage, it is often                                                           b y c
         used as an accent colour, but keep in mind that                                                                g n
         too much purple can arouse a sense of arrogance.                                                             d u
         However, some brands like Yahoo and Cadbury                                                                  c n i
         use such colour to promote a lush experience.         Now  think  about  it,  why  choose  one  when  you      l o
                                                               can  choose  all  of  them?  A  multicolour  strategy  o h c
                                                               also works. Using many colours at once provides        s   t
                                                               a sense of playfulness and informality. ToysRUs        a   g n
                                                               and OurKids are great examples as they provide         i y l
                                                               kids  products.  As  for  Google  and  eBay,  they     l u b
                                                               work  on  reaching  people  from  all  diverse           d n
                                                               backgrounds and cultures.                              a   e
         Reaching     the   third   category   in   color                                                             c n
         segmentation,  neutrals  are  the  most  versatile                                                           e l o
         colours of all. Starting off with the boldest color                                                          v   t
         of  all,  black  conveys  a  sense  of  power  and                                                           s n i a
         dominance.  Its  intimidating  vibes  provide  a                                                             g a

         whole  aura  of  elegance  and  exclusivity.  As  for                                                        y a
         white,  it  is  always  connected  to  purity  and                                                             l a
         sophistication. In fact, it is commonly used as a                                                            n o i
         background  colour  for  most  brands’  logos  to                                                            t a n
         bring  together  the  whole  image.  Most  premium                                                           r e t
         brands  like  Apple,  Channel,  and  Dior  use  the                                                          n I   e
         black  and  white  combinations  to  pass  on  such                                                          h t
         vibes.                                                                                                       g n
                                                                                                                      t i
                                                                                                                      a r
                                                               And the list goes on. Whether it's pink, turquoise,    b e
                                                               maroon  or  grey,  each  colour  has  its  own         l e C
                                                               psychology  and  symbolism.  And  now  that  you       *
                                                               know the rules, feel free to create your very own.
                                                               Just  remember  that  personal  preferences  and
                                                               cultural  variations  should  be  taken  into
                                                               consideration as well.

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