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ELITE                                     STAND UP AGAINST BULLYING & VIOLENCE           #No_Bullying


                                                                                                                      b y
                                    The Descent of the Greek                                                          c   g n
                                                        Goddesses                                                     i d u l
                                                                                                                      n c

                                                                                                                      o o
                                                      Maryze Edwar, Level two, Economics                              h c
                                                                                                                      t a
          “You  know  dear,  being  a  woman  is  a  burden,      Among  the  Greek  goddesses  -who  were              g n
          giving birth to a girl is a catastrophe, bringing up    never of less importance than the Olympian          i y l
          girls  and  dealing  with  their  hormones  and         gods-  was  Hebe,  known  as  deity  of             l u b
          emotions being on a rollercoaster 24/7 is the most      everlasting  youthfulness  and  charm.  Hebe          d n
          difficult  thing  you  shall  bear,  protecting  your   was  also  responsible  for  serving  the  divine   a   e c
          girls from the evil of this world will always bring     nectar that made Olympian gods immortal.            n e l
          you to your knees in despair and you are telling        Another  well-known  goddess  is  Aphrodite,        o i v
          me why I am not happy with my newborn baby              the  goddess  of  beauty  and  love,  who  had        t s
          girl ?!!....”                                           powers  to  ignite  affection  within  every        n i a g

          These  words,  as  once  uttered,  are  the  slogan     creature's heart.                                   a   y
          representing our present times, resounding with         In  addition  to  being  the  most  beautiful       a d
          awful echoes across different strata of the eastern     goddess  of  them  all,  she  was  tremendously     l a n
          society  regardless  of  their  level  of  education,   powerful; punishing those who disrespected          o i t
          social position or their financial status.              her  divine  nature  and  immortality  while        a n r
          Females,  long  ages  ago,  were  considered  to  be    shedding  her  grace  upon  those  who              e t n
          such sacred spirits; they were considered Greek         worshipped her.                                     I   e h
          goddesses in ancient Greek mythology and muses          Women  were  not  only  that  respected  and        t   g n
          known for their enchanting beauty.                      worshipped  in  Greek  mythology,  but  they        i t a
          Although  these  mythologies  are  now  considered      were  also  looked  at  as  divine  spirits  in     r b e
          as perfectly interesting bedtime stories, they were     Ancient    Egyptian     mythology.    Which         l e C
          of  great  value  to  the  ancient  Greeks.  They        highlighted the story of King Osiris, Queen        *
           represented the religious reference to which they      Isis and Osiris' evil brother Seth who killed
          can resort, in addition to seeking enlightenment        him by putting him in a locked tomb which

          and inspiration from them.                              was later found by Queen Isis, who began to
                                                                  recite some reviving spells that brought king
                                                                  Osiris back to life.

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