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The good child and the y c
n g
u l
negative citizen c n
o o
Nora Mohamed Gad, Third Year, Political Science h c
“Obey what I say and be a good child.” and “Better stay away Thus, there is no reason to be surprised when that child becomes t
from politics.” are two phrases that are often said in the Arab a full-fledged adult citizen of their country, but nevertheless they a g
world. The first is directed to young children and the second is did not rid themselves of the burdens of the beliefs that were n i y
for adults. Do they have any connection? ingrained in them during their childhood. l l u
The child in the Arab world is normally raised according to a In general, we find that Arab citizens prefer to avoid active b
strict traditional upbringing pattern, the effects of which soon participation in the political life in their country, even if they are d n
accompany the individual for the rest of their life. Which in turn only partially interested in following up the situation in their a e
affects various aspects of their life, including their political country and discussing politics. They think that their participation c n e
culture and their behavior towards power and politics in their in these matters is of no use to them, where the subjectivity that l o
country. It is no wonder that many political problems in the has been unconsciously entrenched in their minds confirms to i v
Arab world have a deep root that stems from the common them the idea that the interest of society is not their business as t s n
method of Arab upbringing. long as their interests are fine. i a
A sentence such as “Obey what I say and be a good child” As a result of the normalization of one's receiving orders and g a
explains a lot about the values that this educational method advice as axioms, the Arab individual finds themselves in an y a
establishes. The precedent sentence may direct the child in most advanced stage of their life receiving rumors and political ideas d l
situations that are supposed to be related to their personal that are motivated by certain goals as postulates as well. Also, a n
opinions, choices and privacy. Such as the amount of food they they do not think critically about its purpose or destination, but o i t
can eat, what clothes they should wear, or the game they want to rather they may believe it and begin to spread it without realizing a n
play, i.e. things that adults are supposed to leave them the how much that harms them and their country. r e
freedom and choice in deciding them, so that they are able to Despite the efforts of authorities and activists in some Arab t n I
countries to attract citizens’ attention to participate in political
form their own personality. #NO_VIOLENCE e h
As when they are deprived of the ability to choose and are life, refute rumors and take initiative and positivity in societal and t g
forced to submit to what others dictate about it, they political decisions, the radical treatment of this issue will only n i t
unconsciously learn that passivity, non-participation and lack of start with education; by raising children who are able to choose, a r
expression of opinion are good things and that if they continue discuss and make decisions. They take initiatives in their affairs b e
and the affairs of their family, which later will turn into the
to do so, they will always be a "good person". affairs of their community and society. Consequently, a child l e C
Here, we note that all of the foregoing refusal to participate in with a responsible and positive mentality will be raised. And this *
decisions, passive obedience and fear of expressing opinions approach of thinking will continue to evolve with them as a
generate in the child an increased sense of selfishness and that citizen in their country or even as an individual in their family,
the achievement of their individual interest is the most important work and society.
goal. Where they are not accustomed to participating in their
own decisions and the decisions of their family, let alone the
decisions related to their society?!
Vol.1 ,Issue 37, November 2021 27