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ELITE                                     STAND UP AGAINST BULLYING & VIOLENCE           #No_Bullying


                                       We own both the right and                                                      c   g
                                                                                                                      u l
                                                          the truth                                                   c n

                                                          Esraa Gamal, Economics, Level 4                             h c
        Dear Reader,                                                                                                  s   t a
        Finally, I have gotten the chance to analyze together  It is observed that most of our Arabic writings on the    g n
        with  you  a  very  important,  but  rather  ambiguous  Israeli  enemy  take  an  entirely  political  perspective,  i y l l
        issue. A truth that has been hidden from all of us,    with  given  and  absolute  inputs.  However,  there  are  u b
        with  some  even  carrying  out  multiple  attempts  to  too many hidden images and missing information, as   d n a
        obliterate or further conceal it.                      if we are merely chasing a ghost!                        e c
        However, I would like to take you through a short      That  is  why  we  believe  that  a  scientific  study  is  n e l
                                                               required in order to capture, embody and explain this
        journey to uncover this truth…                         ghost both historically and structurally. Such a study  o i v
            “Jews and Arabs are relatives and cousins!”        has  become  a  conditional  necessity  for  any  proper  t s n
        What do you think of this phrase? Do you view it as    Arab  understanding.  So,  we  will  try  to  address  this  i a g
        a given truth or just one lie in the midst of many     issue objectively away from our political bias, hard   a   y
        others  that  are  continuously  being  spread  and    as  it  might  psychologically  be.  Fortunately,  the  a d   l
        engraved in our minds for the sake of a disgraceful    scientific evidence supports our political stances. As  a n o
        colonizing goal?                                       we own both the right and the truth.                   i t a
        Well...  the  whole  notion  actually  runs  quite  deep!  Perhaps  it  is  clear  that  the  violent  back  and  forth  n r e
        This  idea  of  blood-relatedness  between  Arabs  and  between  growth  and  shrinkage,  is  a  fundamental  t n I
        Jews, which casts a shadow over our main crucial       feature of the universal Jewish entity. It is a double    e h t
        issue in Palestine.                                    oscillation across both time and space.                  g n
        However,  we  are  not  here  to  open  a  discussion  It is high time we asked some important questions:     i t a r
        regarding the available presented solutions to solve   - Who are the Jews and where is their position in the  b e
        the Palestinian struggle. For any solution that does   history of humanity?                                   l e C
        not restore the situation to what it was before 1948,  -  What  is  the  relationship  between  the  Jews  of  the  *
        or  should  we  say  before  1918,  is  absolutely     Torah and the Jews of today?
        unacceptable without discussion. Any situation that    -  How  valid  is  it  to  say  that  Jews  and  Arabs  are
        does  not  exclude  Israel  from  existence  should    cousins?
        acquire no place in scientific research.               Slow down, dear reader. Everything will be clarified
                                                               shortly …

                                         Vol.1 ,Issue 37, November 2021                                     22
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