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ELITE                                     STAND UP AGAINST BULLYING & VIOLENCE           #No_Bullying


                                    Out of oil, water and electricity..                                                 g
                                           but never out of weapons                                                   l c

                                                                                                                      o o
                                 Mariam Ismail, L2, Political Science,                  h c
          As the Lebanese people took to the streets, one began to  Furthermore, the other more important question that  s   t
          think  that  maybe  it  was  the  end  of  the  sectarian  led  to  all  of  this  still  remains  unanswered;  who  is  a   g
          separation  quite  famous  in  the  country.  However,  not  responsible  for  the  port  blast?  Now,  one  must  be  n i y
          long  after,  we  were  proven  wrong.  On  the  14th  of  wondering why the Lebanese would want to stop such  l u
          October,  protests  called  for  by  the  Shiite  parties  an important investigation. Many reasons, first of all,  b   d n
          Hezbollah and Amal erupted contesting the probe of the  it has been over a year and the court hasn't made any  a
          blast’s investigation. The protestors were heading to a  progress  so  far.  Second  of  all,  many  ministers  and  c n
          demonstration in front of the court of justice to demand  individuals  in  positions  of  power  refused  to  comply  e l o
          the  removal  of  Tarek  Bikar  the  judge  leading  the  with  court  orders  and  didn’t  even  show  up  for  the  i v
          investigation.                                       investigation. Third of all, Hezbollah and its allies are  s n
          Up  to  this  point,  it  all  seems  normal,  just  another  accusing  Bikar  of  primarily  targeting  Shiite  leaders  i a g
          protest in Lebanon. What doesn’t make it normal is the  and their allies. Therefore, doubting the transparency  a   y
          fact  that  this  demonstration  happened  in  a     and credibility of the investigations. On the other side,  a d
          neighborhood that used to be one of the frontlines of the  some  people  think  Hezbollah  wants  to  stop  the  a n
          civil war between Maronite Christian and Shiite militia,  investigation  to  reinforce  their  impunity  and  escape  o i t
          as  matter  of  fact  until  this  day  this  neighborhood  is  any type of accountability or punishment. And for the  a n
          divided  between  both  of  them.  And  to  make  matters  second time, as much as I wanted to be the messenger  r e t
          worse,  sometime  during  the  demonstration,  shooting  of good news, unfortunately, we have no idea where  n I   e
          started between the Shiites and the Christian Lebanese  the truth is.                                       h t
          forces resulting in six deaths all from the Shiite side and                                                 n
                                                                                                                      i t
          more than 30 injured, marking this as the gravest street                                                    a
          violence that has happened since the end of the civil war                                                   b e
          a decade ago. Shiite are accusing the LF of firing first                                                    l e C
          while the LF is claiming that the sniper who started it                                                     *
          was from the Shiite part. The truth? Well, unless you
          were in the middle of the shooting you wouldn’t know;
          actually, even if you were there then you’d either be a
          Christian accusing Shiites or a Shiite accusing the LF.
          Which leaves our question unanswered for the moment.

                                         Vol.1 ,Issue 37, November 2021                                     17
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