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ELITE                                     STAND UP AGAINST BULLYING & VIOLENCE           #No_Bullying


                                                                                                                      b r
                                                Exploring The                                                         e b y c
                                                                                                                      i d
                                                     Metaverse                                                        u l c

                                                                                                                        n i
                                                                                                                      o o
                                                  Noor Khaled - Sophomore - Economics                                 h c
                                                                                   t a

        Following       CEO       Mark       Zuckerberg’s                                                             n i y l
        announcement that Facebook will become Meta,          or even the end of the internet as we   know  it        l u b
                                                              today  since  it  will  be  a  combination  of  the
        the world buzzed with the idea of the “new” and       physical  world,  virtual  world,  and  augmented         d n
        exciting concept of the Metaverse.                                                                            a   e c
        The  term  “Metaverse,”  however,  is  not  a  new    reality.  In  reality,  however,  the  meaning  of  the  n e l

        one.  Thirty  years  ago,  the  term  was  coined  by  Metaverse and its scope is still evolving.             o i v
                                                              To understand what the Metaverse may feature,
        Neal Stephenson, who used it in his fiction novel     we have to clear up some misconceptions about           t s n
        “Snow Crash,” and the concept itself was spoken                                                               i a g
        about even before then.                               what the Metaverse is.                                  a   y a
                                                              The Metaverse is not exclusively a virtual space,
        And just like people found it difficult to picture    a  virtual  world,  a  virtual  reality,  or  a  virtual  d   l
        what  the  internet  would  be  like  long  before  it  economy;  more  importantly,  it  is  not  a  video   a n o
        was created, we are now trying to envision what                                                               i t a
        seems to be a distant reality.                        game. These terms fail to encompass the scope           n r e t
                                                              of the Metaverse, which is a complete extension
        A reality where we can go beyond the vast but         of  reality  where  you  can  work,  learn,  create,    n I   e
        limited  interactions  and  uses  we  have  of  the   travel, play, and connect with people.                  h t
        Internet  today  towards  a  more  immersive                                                                  g n i t
        experience.  So,  what  exactly  is  the  Metaverse,  To bring it closer to reality, imagine if you could     a r b
                                                              play The Sims using a virtual headset. You can
        and when will it happen?                              build and live in the house you dream of in the         e l e
           In a literal sense, the word “Metaverse” — a                                                               C *
        portmanteau  word  of  the  Latin  term  “meta,”      place you wish to be without physically having
        which  means  beyond  or  transcending,  and          to do any of that in the real world. You can go to
                                                              work,  school,  or  visit  art    galleries  without
        “universe” — means beyond the universe. Some          physically being there.
        people describe it as an iteration of the Internet

                                         Vol.1 ,Issue 37, November 2021                                     19
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