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ELITE                                     STAND UP AGAINST BULLYING & VIOLENCE           #No_Bullying


                                                                                                                      e b
                                               "The Squid Game"                                                       y c
                                                                                                                      n g
                                                                                                                      i d
                                                  Cost of Violence                                                    u l c
                                                                                                                      i n

                          Walaa Mohamad Abas Bahij, Third level, Political Science                                    h c

       Dear reader, You may wonder how a TV series can be a pillar in  Therefore,  violence  has  become  a  live  entertainment  and  even  t a
       spreading violence among children. And also how Korean drama  exceeded the existence of its characters as toy games for children  g n i
       can invade most countries even though the Korean language is  to play with. Hence, A crucial question must be asked here about  y l l
       only spoken by its people. Hence, it's now necessary to answer  the  absence  of  parental  guidance  and  supervisory  role  in  that  u b
       these  questions  and  understand    the  details  of  this  attention-  matter.                                 d n
       grabbing incident.                                    For the burden of responsibility in this issue lies mostly on the  a   e
       This series -The Squid Game- is a production of South Korea. It  parents  because,  as  you  already  know,  the  Netflix  platform  c n
       consists  of  nine  episodes  about  a  game  of  survival,  and  the  shows a disclaimer before each episode that it is advisable not to  e l
       heavily  indebted  characters  competing  in  such  deadly  games.  watch this series for children less than 18 years old due to the  o i v
       Moreover, the series is translated into 37 languages, dubbed in  large  number  of  violence  scenes  that  threaten  children's    t s
       34  languages,  and  it  has  achieved  unprecedented  number  of  behavioral  and  cognitive  development.  Also,  many  schools  n i
       views  around  the  world  estimated  in  millions.  Yet,  the  around  the  world  have  done  their  part  by  communicating  their  a g a
       remarkable thing is that the success of this series is not a result of    warnings of the risks of children watching this series, because of    y
       promotional campaigns by Netflix as usual, but rather the story,  the  killing  and  violence  scenes  of  its  characters  that  gives  the  a d
       characters, its visual and artistic formulation. This caused it to be  child a negative mental image towards the world.  l a
       watched at an accelerated rate among large audiences around the  Thus, another very important question is raised: To what extent  n o i
       world,  where  it  is  considered  the  most  watched  non  English-  do people prefer material gain over sound child rearing? And to  t a
       speaking  work  around  the  world  as  the  percentage  of  viewers  what extent are parents too busy for their children so much so  n r e
       from    outside  South  Korea  exceeds  90%.  However,  it  is  very  that such a series gets millions of views among children?   t n
       strange that this series was actually written in 2009 by Hwang  Whereas such works are considered as embodiment of the harsh  I   e
       Dong,  yet  many  production  companies  rejected  it  due  to  the  reality  of  neoliberal  capitalism.  Moreover,  it  attracted  such  a  h t
       excessive violence.                                   large  audience  as  it  combines  child  entertainment  with  deadly  g n
       Social  media  is  also  considered  one  of  the  most  significant  consequences. Furthermore,  reactions on the series reveal South  i t a
       factors for its success, together with the timing of its showing;  Korea's  increasing  influence  on  the  global  culture,  after  the  r b
       amid the pandemic and quarantine. Another very critical aspect  success of the K-pop group BTS. This series won the Academy  e l e
       is that the timing of its increased popularity coincided with the  Award for the first and best non-English speaking show.   C *
       return of schools, which means that children can play this game  Finally,  it  should  be  noted  that  such  scenes  of  violence  and
       in school with their peers. And here we begin to notice the great  murder cause psychological distortions and behavioral disorders
       danger of this series, especially for children, because of course  to children and adolescents, and they will raise violent behavioral
       they tend to imitate Myron. However, an even more dangerous  tendencies,  so  its  our  responsibility  together  to  avoid  such  a
       phenomenon  is  introducing  this  series'  characters  into  the  dangerous matter.
       electronic games for children which are already full of violence.

                                         Vol.1 ,Issue 37, November 2021                                     28
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