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ELITE                                     STAND UP AGAINST BULLYING & VIOLENCE           #No_Bullying


                                                                                                                      b y
                                          Morgan in the Parliament                                                    c
                                                                                                                      n g
                                                                     (1)                                              l c
                                                                                                                      i n

                                                                                                                      o o
                              Mohamed Awad , Level Four , Political Science                                           h c

          Truth be told, I thought a lot before writing this article, and  To this, I say, "When you get to know Morgan well, you  t a
          wondered,  "Would  anyone  care?"  For  hearing  the  word  will be sure that his silence is a favor in my right, yours,    g n
          “Parliament”  has  become  quite  less  frequent  for  the  and the right of every one of us. Because if he spoke, his  i y l
          honorable reader. However, there always comes a moment  words would cost us more than his silence."         l u
          when a person decides to act. Just act, without questioning.  And because being silent is always a difficult choice, and  b   d
          Who is Morgan?                                       the  duration  is  long,  and  there  are  too  many  sessions,  n a
          At the beginning of the article, let's first get to know the  Morgan usually breaks his silence with a long, warm round    e c
          hero  of  our  story,  "Morgan",  and  perhaps  the  answer  to  of applause, and a quick approval without thinking.  n e
          this  question  will  make  us  dive  into  the  depths  of  this  Now, is Morgan considered an offender or victim?  l o i
          exciting character. Morgan is someone who had a moment  This question may seem easy to some people and difficult  v   t
          -like  the  one  I  experienced  when  I  started  writing  this  to others. Others who may try to carry out a defensive ploy  s n i
          article- and decided not to continue his life normally.  or attempt to sugarcoat the truth; to garner   sympathy  for  a g
          Indeed, Morgan goes to a photography studio, wearing a  Morgan and talk about him being a victim of a reality in  a   y
          luxurious  suit  and  begins  to  stack  his  papers  to  run  for  which  Morgans  prevailed.  Unfortunately,  this  is  just  a  a d
          parliament.  Of  course,  Morgan  has  earned  a  fortune  failed attempt that will continue to fail.         l a
          throughout his life, so he has all the ingredients that make  For  when  I  looked  into  it,  I  could  not  find  anything  that  n o
          him  a  Member  of  Parliament  (MP);  a  lot  of  money,  a  excused Morgan's foolish act                  i t a
                               #NO_BULLYING of going to the photography
          luxurious suit and a 4x6 Picture.                    studio,  taking  a  large  picture  of  himself  and  instead  of  n r
          And  indeed,  he  actually  runs  for  parliament,  conducts  a  merely placing it on the wall of his house, he put it on the  e t
          large  electoral  campaign,  spends  every  precious  thing  to  walls  of  all  our  houses.  And  on  the  highest  request  for  n I   e
          fill  the  ballot  boxes  on  election  days,  so  much  so  that  nomination,  he  presented  himself  with  what  he  knows  no  h t
          people are panting behind Morgan and finally he succeeds!  way for escape.                                    g n
          What  does  Morgan  do?  Morgan  does  not  stop     Morgan to where? And for how long?                     i t a
          applauding...                                        I  could  not  find  a  better  question  than  this  to  quickly  r b
          Morgan goes to the session and sits amongst a bunch of  conclude  this  article  after  becoming  bored  and  depressed.  e l e
          other  Morgans.  Some  of  whom  are  Morgan  by  nature,  For truth is, in our life people like Morgan multiply faster  C *
          others  are  even  Morgan  by  inheritance.  However,  than flies do. Whenever a Morgan’s star goes out, another
          Morgan's favors don't run out. Morgan decides to do us yet
          another favor by staying silent. Always silent.      shines,  with  much  more  boldness,  a  broader  smile  and  a
          And now the reader may begin shaking their head while  sharper look on his face.
          asking,  "Is  Morgan's  silence  a  good  thing?  And  is  his  He goes on with his life without a care, trampling on the
          mission primarily to be silent?"                     dreams of thousands of people with his shiny shoes. Just to
                                                               end up sitting down without saying a word and clap!!

                                         Vol.1 ,Issue 37, November 2021                                     29
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