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                           Holi                 da         y Rul                    es

           Although  the  Cyber  Security  Agency  and  the  FBI  did   not  administration's   knowledge   of   the  breakthrough   for   weeks
           explicitly   announce   who   was   responsible   for   this   breach,  or   its   recent   discovery   of   that,   but   it   is   certain   that   it   has
           but   private   security   companies,   current   and   former  known  it  for  weeks   and   yet  it  chose   silence,   which   is   what
           American  officials   and   media  outlets  pointed  the   finger  at  prompted   its   opponents   to   accuse   it   of   complicity   and
           Russia,   and   this   is   what   the   New   York   Times   stated,
                                                             incompetence and break another value from the foundations
           saying   that   the   infiltrators   are   "most   likely"   Working   for  of the US political system based on Transparency.
           Russia   "and   she   also   pointed   to   the   possibility   of"   SVR
           "involvement.   One   of   the   leading   Russian   intelligence  On   the   other   hand,   the   US   President-elect,   Joe   Biden,
           agencies  in   the  cyber-attack  on  the  company.  The   Russian
                                                             pledged that he would give cybersecurity a "top priority" in
           embassy   in   America,   as   usual,   denied   responsibility   for  his   administration.   "We   need   to   stop   and   deter   our
           this attack and said that it "does not carry out attacks in the  adversaries  from   launching   major   cyber-attacks   in   the   first
           electronic field."                                place," he added in a comment on the incident, adding, "We
                                                             will   do   this,   among   other   things,   by   imposing   heavy
           It   is   worth   noting   that   the   administration   of   former  penalties   on   those   responsible   for   such   malicious   attacks,
           President  Trump  did  not  inform  the  American  people  until  by   coordination   with   our  allies   and   partners.   "   In  fact,  the
           recently   about   this   attack,   and   President   Donald   Trump  most   prominent   indications   of   this   attack   were   in   two
           did   not   comment   explicitly   and   clearly   yet   on   the   cyber-
                                                             aspects,   the   first  is   the   capabilities   of  America's  opponents
           attacks  and  hesitated  a  lot  to  point  the   finger  of  accusation  to   penetrate   and   piracy,   which   raises   an   alert   on   the
           at   Russia.   Moreover,   Trump   said   on   his   Twitter   account,  requirement  of   redoubling  efforts   and  doubling   the   budget
           "I   had   a   summary   of   what   happened   and   things   became  for   means   of   protection,   as   President-elect   Joe   Biden
           under   control  ”.   Adding   in   his   first   tweet   in   this   regard,"
                                                             mentioned,   not   just   the   budget   for   innovation   and
           Russia,   Russia,   Russia,   the   prime   suspect   when   any  invention.   As  for  the  second  aspect,  it  is  represented  in  this
           problem  occurs,  "noting   without  any  evidence  that  China"  weakness,   impartiality   and   indifference   with   which   Trump
           may "also be involved in the matter,.             dealt  with  this   attack  as   if  it   took   place   in  another  country,
                                                             especially   as   he   had   the   slogan   of   America   first,   and   his
           however,   China   has   denied   any   relationship   about   this  neutrality  towards   the   issue  raised   doubts   and   raised   many
           regard. President Trump's comments came in contradiction  question   marks.In   addition   to   that,   Russia's   accusation   of
           to  the   accusations  made   by  Secretary   of  State   Pompeo  to  carrying   out   this   electronic   hack   on   American   computers
           Russia   that   it   was   behind   the   attack   that   took   place   last  represented   a   dangerous   turning   point   in   the   forms   of
           March. Which raised doubts about President Trump's  conflict between the two superpowers, and opened the door
                                                             to   a   new   pattern   of   international   conflict,   based   on
                                                             electronic  warfare   and  acts   of  piracy   that   may   cause   more
                                                             damage than conventional wars.

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