Page 16 - Issue-27
P. 16

           ELITE           Holiday Rule

                                   HORIZONS OF THE GULF RECONCILIATION

                                     YOUSSEF SHARAF, 3rd LEVEL, POLITICAL SCIENCE

   “Ending the Gulf crisis with Qatar would be this year’s Christmas gift”,
                                                              This  means  that  the  commitment  of  the  two  sides,  Saudi  Arabia  and
   said   the   US   ambassador   to   the   UAE   on   Wednesday,   December   16,
                                                              Qatar,   stemmed   from   an  understanding   that  aunited   Gulf  front   will
   2020.  As  Trump  lives  his  last  days  in  the  White  House,  many  analysts,
                                                              serve   everyone   more   than   spending   millions   of   dollars   trying   to
   whether   Americans   or   from   the   Gulf,   believe   that   the   Gulf   crisis   is
                                                              undermine each other's positions.
   living   its   final   days   after   years   of   diplomatic   crisis,   which   foreign
                                                              Nevertheless,   these   positive   indicators   do   not   give   reason   to   be
   mediation   has   failed   to   solve   it.   Indeed,   since   the   beginning   of
                                                              overly   optimistic.  First,  despite   the  UAE   ambassador  to  the   United
   December   2020,   new   horizons   began  to   emerge   for   the   Gulf   crisis,   as
                                                              States,   Yousef   Al-Otaiba’s   statement,  on   December   8,   2020,  about
   official   American  and   Gulf  sources   stated  that   Saudi   Arabia   and   Qatar
                                                              the   "seeds   of   progress"   in   resolving   the   blockade   imposed   by   the
   are   about   to   reach   a   preliminary   agreement.   In   this   context,   Saudi
                                                              Gulf  states  on  Qatar,  many  doubt  that  the  UAE  is  ready  to  reconcile
   Foreign   Minister   Prince   Bin   Farhan   expressed   that   he’s   "somewhat
                                                              with   Qatar,   and   this   is   what   some   former   diplomats   said   to   The
   optimistic", and that they are about to conclude a satisfactory agreement
                                                              New  York  Times.  In  fact,  during  the  past  years,  the  UAE’s  position
   to   all   regional   powers   which   occured   in   Al   ula   Agreement,   after   that
                                                              on   Qatar   has   been   tougher   than   the   other   countries,   as   it   is   the
   tensions  lasted  for  three  years  since  June  2017;  when  Saudi  Arabia,  the
                                                              country   that   many   regional   experts   describe   as   the   “main   player
   UAE, Bahrain and Egypt imposed a land, sea and air blockade on Qatar
                                                              behind   the   blockade   on   Qatar”,   for   several   reasons.   Among   the
   for   its   support   for  terrorism   and  its   proximity   to  the   regional   foe,   Iran.
                                                              political ones, it’s Qatar's continued support for Islamists, led by the
   So,   in   light   of   this   positive   climate   of   common   understandings,   will
                                                              Muslim  Brotherhood,  especially  through  its  pioneering  news  outlet,
   2021 be the post-Gulf crisis year?
                                                              Al-Jazeera,  which  not  only  supports  political  Islam,  but  also  directs
   We   need   to   know   first   that   the   reconciliation   path   this   time   is
                                                              explicit criticism of the rest of Gulf monarchies.
   characterized   by   the   presence   of   the   US   guarantor,   after   Washington
                                                              Reasons   are   also   extended   on   the   personal   level,   which   analysts
   was   convinced   of   its   interest   to   play   a   guarantor   role   for   any   final
                                                              described  as   a   dispute   dating   back   to   a  “history   of  mutual  jealousy
   agreement   binding   on   all   parties,   especially   the   Qataris,   and   this   is   to
                                                              and   distrust”,   rooted   in   old   rivalries   between   the   two   ruling
   avoid   what   happened   between   2014   and   2017   when   the   paths   of
                                                              families:   Al   Nahyan   (the   UAE)   and   Al   Thani   (Qatar).   And   this
   negotiations  and  mediation  failed  to  bridge  the  rift  between  the  Quartet
                                                              dispute   reached   its   climax   when   the   UAE   offered   sanctuary   for
   countries   and   Qatar.   Such   role   has   become   evident   when   the   US
                                                              Prince   Khalifa,   who   was   deposed   by   his   son,   Hamad   (Tamim's
   President’s   senior   adviser,   Jared  Kushner,   visited   Riyadh   and   Doha  at
                                                              father)  in  1995,  and  attempted  to  restore  his  rule.  Thus,  in  the  midst
   the   beginning   of   December  2020   and   met   with   the   leaders   of   the   two
                                                              of   Abu   Dhabi’s   silence,   a   comprehensive   solution   in   the   Gulf
   countries,  who  "affirmed  their  commitment"  to  reaching  reconciliation,
                                                              remains elusive;
   as  the  Emir  of  Kuwait,  Sheikh  Nawaf  Al-Ahmad  Al-Sabah  stated,  and
   who   is   still   representing   the   mediator   role   between   the   conflicting
   countries.  In  addition,  timing  is  an  important  factor  in  this  new  cycle  of
   reconciliation,  which  comes  just  weeks  before  the  Biden  administration
   takes   over   in   the   United   States,   which   puts   tremendous   pressure   on
   Saudi  Arabia  to  demonstrate  its  goodwill  as  an  important  and  essential
   partner   for   the   United   States   in   the   Middle   East.   Indeed,   the   United
   States   hopes   to  end   this   crisis   that  has   hindered   the   US   interests  in  the
   region, empowered Iran, and isolated Qatar, which houses Al-Udeid Air
   Base, the largest US military base in the Gulf region.
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