Page 12 - Issue-27
P. 12



                   A Post Corona Prescription.

                           Holi                 da         y Rul                    es
                           Holi                da          y Rul                    es
                 By Dr Ali A. Soliman,Visiting Professor of Health Economics, Cairo

                                                              loses   tens   of   thousands   of   MD's   annually   due   to   emigration  .   Many
     The COVID19 pandemic caught us all unawares. The consequences
                                                              leave   the   profession   totally   due   to   low   wages,   difficul  t   working
     were   catastrophic   with   increased   deaths,   depressed   markets   and
                                                              conditions   and   poor   health   facilities.   In   the   meantime,   W  estern
     dismembered   societies  and  transportation.  The  World  had   to   search
                                                              countries opened their doors to attract these medical talents.
     not   only  for   suitable   remedies  and   a   potential  vaccine,      but  also   for
                                                              One   silver   lining   of   this   severe   epidemic   could   be   ree  mphasizing   the
     new  packages  of  public   policies  to  increase   society's  resistance  and
                                                              importance  of  medical   education   especially  for   nurses  and     supporting
     peoples immunity against such repeated epidemics.
                                                              health   staff.   It   is   time   to   attract   talented   students   i  nto   medical
     Also  in  Egypt,  we   have  to  prepare    post-Corona   prescriptions.  That
                                                              education.  The  high  cost  of   this  educations   discourage  s  many   families
     does   not   mean   that   we   neglect   immediate   responses.   On   the
                                                              of   desrving   students   from   sending   their   children   to   me  dical   schools.
     contrary, we should seek whatever measures available to contain the
                                                              We  may  emulate  the   practice   in   other  countries   that   off  er   scholarships
     spread   the   epidemic   and   the   increase   in   the   number   of   causalities
                                                              or   advance   loans   to  such   needed  professional   trainin  g.      The   Egyptian
     that   is   expected   to   continue   with   us  till  the  end  of   2021.  But   in   the
                                                              military hospitals offer free education to nurses and offer the  m stipends
     short  term  we  have  little  room  for  maneuver.       In  the  long  term,   we
                                                              during  their   training.  They   also  offer  graduate  train  ing  opportunities  to
     have more social and national means that can increase our immunity  their   medical   staff.   Such  a   practice   can  be  propagated     elsewhere  to   a
     to   such   epidemics,   and      insure,   in   the   meantime,   a   high   level   of  level commensurate with the seriousness of the epidemic.
                                                              It   is   also   recommended   to   reassess   the   role   of   civic      s  ociety   in   the
     health and wellbeing.
                                                              medical   field.   we   should   not   forget   that   that   the   grea  t   hospitals
                                                              established   in   the   first   half   of   the   20th   century   were     sponsored   by
     In this respect we suggest three possible measures.
                                                              charitable  initiatives  of  individuals   and  voluntary   asso  ciations.  Among
     First,   we   have   to   strengthen   our   health   system   and   especially
                                                              these were the Islamic Charity Hospital in Agouza, the Cop  tic Hospital
     improve   the   hospital   care   network   including   public,   private   and
                                                              on Ramses Street, and El-Mowassa Hospital in Alexandr  ia. In addition
     military   hospitals.   Egypt  has   already  started   an   ambitious  program
                                                              the   Egyptian   Red   Crescent   (which   started   as   an   NGO)   contributed
     towards  this  end  in  the  last  three  years.  Such  a  program  reflects     the
                                                              greatly in combating the Cholera epidemic that hit Egypt in 1947.
     increased   priority   given   by   the   political   leadership   to   the   health
     sector.   One   major   landmark   was   the   President's   Initiative   called
                                                              Second,   there   must   be   greater   attention   and   greater   coo  rdination   of
     "Health   for   100   Million,"      which   helped   millions   to   check   their
                                                              spending   on   medical   research  and  the   pharmaceutical   in  dustry.  Egypt
     health   status.   Also,   the   New   Comprehensive   Social   Health
                                                              had   a   distinguished   position   in   the   pharmaceutical   ind  ustry   since   the
     Insurance   Law,   approved   by   the   council   of   Deputies   in   January
                                                              late   thirties   of   the   last   century.   Currently,   local   facto  ries   (some   of
     2018 was put into effect. It is now implemented gradually in Egypt's  which are owned by foreigners) cover 90% of Egypt's   needs. However,
                                                              we   still   rely   on   importing   most   of   the   active   ingredient     and   basic
     governorates      starting   with   Port-Said.   It   will   cover   the   whole
                                                              ingredients   of   drugs.   This   dependence   creates   a   great     security   risk,
     country   in   2031.   We   believe   that   this   comprehensive   health
                                                              especially   in  times   of  crisis.   Unfortunately,   the   fundin  g   on   this   sector
     insurance   system  is   the   most   ambitious   social   welfare   law   enacted
                                                              has   decreased   and   many   local   companies   were   acquires     by   foreign
     in   the   last   half   century.   It   covers      all   citizens   regardless   of   their
                                                              interests.   The   field   of   scientific   research   and   the   product  ion   of   basic
     ability   to   pay,   and   implements   novel   ways   to   finance   "Health   for
                                                              ingredients   for   medicine   do   not   get   enough   attention.   I  n   fact   some
     All."The   system   is   supported   by   new   taxes   on   company   profits,
                                                              Arab  countries,  such  as  Jordan  and  Saudi  Arabia,  have    surpassed  us  in
     additional   cigarette   and   tobacco   excises,   and   fees   on   driver's
                                                              terms  of   spending   on  basic  medical   and   pharmaceutica  l  development.
     licenses.  In  addition  a  fixed  tax     is  imposed  on  individual's  incomes
                                                              In   this   respect   additional   support   is   needed   for   the   Vaccine   and
     that will garner more revenues as incomes increase.
                                                              Inoculation   Organization,   which   belongs   to   the   Ministry   of   Health.
     Despite   all   of  these   new   measures,   the   health   care   system   in   Egypt
                                                              This  organization   plays  an   important  role  in  meeting   Egypt's   needs   in
     still   suffers   from   the   ramifications   of   years   of   neglect.   We   spend
                                                              this area.
     only  6%  of   our   GDP  on  health.  Two   thirds   of  this  amount  is  spent
     directly   by   the   patients   while   the   State   contributes   only   a   third.  Third   and   finally:   There   is   an   economic   aspect   that   we   need   to   pay
                                                              attention   to   in   this   pandemic   emergency,   namely   we   have   to   create   a
     Spending   on   health   worldwide   reaches   8%   on   average,   and   in
                                                              system   of  unemployment   compensation   and  social  benefits  to  those   who
     advanced   countries   more   is   spent.   In   the   US,   this   percent   goes   as
                                                              lost   their   jobs.   These   would   include   staff   of   transport,   tourism   and
     high as 17% of GDP, thus outstripping what is spent on the army or
                                                              restaurants and other industry and  service industries. In addition there are
                                                              millions   in  the   unorganized   trades  and   daily  workers  who   lost  their  daily
                                                              wages   as   they  are   confined  at   home.   Many   of   these   are   not   covered   by
     In   the  past,  Egypt   was  ahead   of  other   Arab  countries   in   the   health
                                                              social   insurance,   or   the   support   programs   of   the   Ministry   of   Social
       field.  She   was   a   forerunner   in   health  education   since   the   reign   of
     Muhammad   Ali   Pasha   (in   the   early   19th   century).   She   produces
     more   medical   doctors   than   the   whole   of   the   Arab   counties.
                                                              We   need   innovative   solutions   to   address   the   ravages   of   a   relentless
     Nevertheless, Egypt
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