Page 13 - Issue-27
P. 13


                    Not everything has a logic

                                      By Prof. Nevine Mossaad
                                FEPS Professor of Political Science

                                                             it  like  a  parrot  .  she  wanted  a  definition  that  explains  to  her  why  it
      It is as if in a sitting session of her trial, our friend settled in front
                                                             is illogical for her to respond to her  desire not to have lunch in the
      of   her   husband,   explaining   to   him   the   unexplainable   and
                                                             mall  and   hang  out   between   his  shops,  a  form   that  explains  to   her
      explaining  an   incident   that  was   accidental  and  trivial,  which  was
                                                             why   the   definition   of   logic   corresponds   to   the   desire   of   her
                           Holi                 da         y Rul                    es
                           Holi                da          y Rul                    es
      not   logically   explained.  She   had  agreed   with   him   to   meet   at   the
                                                             husband   or   any   other   human   being   to   do   what   he   wants   and  not
      end of a working day for lunch and hanging out among the mall's
                                                             what   she   wants.   She   knows   that   she   promised   and   is   committed
      large shops. Her parents said that they longed to see her children,
                                                             and therefore apologized for not keeping her promise and repeated
      so  she  sent  them  to  them   with  textbooks,  iPads,  ono  and  exercise
                                                             her   apology   several   times,   but   she   did   not   understand   why   the
      schedule,   so   it   is   time   for   her   to   exercise   an   inspiration   and
                                                             husband   refused   to   accept   an   apology   for      a   change   in   moods
      exhalation   free   of   tension   due   to   conflicting   commitments   and
                                                             while   he   could   have   forgiven,   if   the   reason      was   a   change   the
                                                             external circumstances.
                                                             A   sword   hanging   over   our   necks   is   this   logic,   it   turns   us   into
      Yes,   she   intended   to   meet   him,   she   got  out   of   work  at   3  p.m.  as  machines of a predictable behavior because this behavior becomes
      usual, sat in her car and ran it as usual, put one of um Kulthoum's  governed by known and disciplined rules, and yet most of us if not
                                                             all   of   us   experience   a      moment   where   he/she   rebels   on   logic.
      songs      in   the   cassette   as   usual,   and   went   on   to   the   promised
                                                             whoever  did  not   have  the  idea  to   venture  swimming  when  the  sea
      meeting.   At   the   crossroads  preceding   the   mall,  she  was  attacked
                                                             was  raging  and  the  black   flag   was  raised.  Who   ever  did   not  want
      by a strong feeling that she did not know its source and urged her
                                                             to   close  the   umbrella     in   a   rainy   day     bathe   with   the   showers   of
      to  deviate  left  on   her  way  home,  she   was   amazed  by   this   sudden
                                                             rain,    who  ever  did  not  want   to  stay  up  day   and  night  to  witnesses
      feeling,   rejected,  resisted,  she  clung   to   the   steering  wheel   as  if   it
                                                             the   wonderful   moments   of   sunset   and   sunrise  …to   buy   what   he
      will   be   protecting   her   she   tried   to   go   the   right   way,   but   when
                                                             does   not   need   or   does   not   suit   him   in   a   moment   of  weakness,   to
      traffic  went  green  ,  she  found  herself  muttering  :  the   right  way  is
                                                             eat   the   Ghazl   Al   Banat   candy      that   draws   a   red   halo   around   his
      the  way  where  the  mind  and   heart  settle  together.  She  realized  of
                                                             wrinkled mouth. One might never have thought to be free from the
      course that there is a pre-agreement with her husband to meet but
                                                             constraint  of   the  job  and  of    family   and  kids  ,  yet  we  all  had  these
      for   the   incomprehensible   reason   her   heart   refused   to   obey   her.
                                                             illogical   tendencies   and   some   of   us   responded.   The   rebellion
      She   swerved   to   the   left,   and   the   voices   of   horns   everywhere
                                                             against  logic  may  take  on  deeper  and  more  serious  dimensions,  so
      surrounded her hesitation, she was resolved and went north.  what   do   we   say   about   a   mother   who   has   suffered   from   chronic
                                                             illness   but   has   postponed   the   chemotherapy   session   for   a   few
      ***                                                    weeks   to   enjoy   the   vacation  with  her   son  living  abroad?   This   has
                                                             already   happened  and  the  mother   passed   away   after  .Yes   lifetime
                                                             is   a   divine   matter,   but   the   connection   between   the   behavior   of
      Now   she   sits   in   front   of   her   husband   to   pour   his   anger   on   her
                                                             such   a  mother  and  logic   is  non-existent,   only  the  mother's  passion
        with  dozens  of  questions  that   begin   with   why  she  answers  with
                                                             explains   the   longing   of   motherhood,   but   rational   reasoning   is
      one  answer   that  begins  with   “honestly  I  don  ’t  know  ”.   She  could
                                                             incapable of offering an explanation.
      have   made  up   any   of   the   logical  reasons   to   justify   changing  her
      destination,   such   as   saying   that   her   chronic   migraine   was   not
      calmed   by   medicine,   or   that   she   complained   of   traffic   in   the
      holiday season, which is a very sufficient reason, by the way, she
                                                             One   can   not      for   how   long   husband   asks   and   she   answers,   you
      could   have   justified   the   change  by   a   delay   in  work   or.  Or..   But
                                                             know that in the depths of him , he was afraid of her  fluctuations,
      she did not find a reason for that, she did not understand why she
                                                             he   does   not  trust  moody  individuals  ,   how  do  you   convey   to   him
      should   not  tell   the  truth.   But   the  problem   in   her   case  is   that  her
                                                             the   feeling   that   these   people   are   very   normal   ,   by   God   they   are,
      husband   was   only  accepting   the  convincing   truth,   the  truth   with
                                                             and   that   the   origin   of   their   behavior   is   stability,   but   a   little   of
      clear   logic   that   explains   the   thing   because   of   concrete   motives
                                                             irrationality   helps  them  to  endure   the   difficulties   of   life.   She   was
                                                             exhausted  by   the   length  of   the   controversy,   she   was   honest  when
      such   as  illness  or  traffic  or  work,  so  he  kept   asking  and   she   kept
                                                             he   asked   her   whether   she   would   accept   the   same   from   him,   and
      answering and they missed an evening that would have been nice
                                                             she   replied   “of   course   yes  ”,   but   he  doubted   such  an   answer.   She
      if this trivial thing was handled differently.
                                                             decided to put an end to this exhausting scene, she rose up and  he
                                                             looked   at   her   wondering   with   astonishment,   she   pointed   to   the
                                                             watch   in   her   hand   and   said:   the   time   of   is   after   eleven   pm   and
      When   she  reflects   on  what   happened   today,  she    found   the   day,
                                                             tomorrow      will   be   an   other      new   and   long   work   day.   Now   She
         despite   its   triviality,      expresses   the   essence   of   the   difference
                                                             talked  to  him  in  the  logic   that  he  understands   ,   he  was  in  her  eyes
      between her personality and that of her husband. He is convinced
                                                             like   the   character   of   Taher   Pasha   in   the   movie   “The   River   of
      only   by   logic   and   she  represents      the   rebellion   against  logic,   or,
                                                             Love-   Nahr   Al   Hob  ”,   although   the   context   was   different.   She
      more   precisely,   the  occasional   rebellion   on   logic.  She   originally
                                                             smiled   as   she   escaped   from   this   tight   scene   of   interrogation   that
      needs   a  precise   definition  of  logic  not  in  the  form  of  those  vague
                                                             was   not  to   stop,  she   went  to   their  bedroom   .   and  after      only   two
      rules that she studied in class of social studies and kept  repeating
                                                             steps  .she      threw  up  her   jacket    like   a   child      in   an  ultimately   free
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