Page 17 - Issue-27
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                                                            In   this   regard,   a   former   Turkish   diplomat   stated   that   opening   a
     and   as   the   Emirati   political   researcher   Abdul   Khaleq   Abdullah
                                                            communication   channel   between   Qatar   and   Saudi   Arabia   would
     wrote   on   Twitter,   “the   Gulf  reconciliation   train   will   not  move   a
                                                            represent   an   opportunity   to   open   another   communication   channel
     single   millimeter   without   the   knowledge   and   without   the   prior
                                                            between Riyadh and Ankara, and this was reflected in the call of Saudi
     approval   and   blessing   of   the   UAE  ”.   Secondly,   although   Egypt
                                                            King   Salman   and   Turkish   President   Erdogan   on   the   sidelines   of   the
     has   officially   praised   the   new   reconciliation   initiative,   Cairo,
                                                            virtual G20 summit held in November 2020, in which they agreed tha  t
     whose   political   and   also   popular   anti-Islamists   vision   is
                                                            their   foreign   ministers   should   "conduct   a   dialogue   to   normalize
     completely at odds with the position of Doha and its ally Ankara,
                                                            relations between the two countries," and despite this,
     will not proceed on the path of reconciliation without   “a firm and
                                                            Saudis   still  continue   to   boycott  Turkish   products,  encouraged   by   the
     serious   commitment   to   what   has   been   agreed   upon  ”,   the
                                                            Saudi   Chamber  of  Commerce.  Does  Saudi  Arabia   really  want  an  other
     Spokesman for Egypt  ’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated. In this
                                                            reconciliation  with   Turkey  through  its   reconciliation  with  Qatar?   And
     regard, we must seriously ask, will Qatar finally comply with the
                                                            will   that   reconciliation   include   the   other   countries   boycotting   Qata  r,
     13  demands   of  the  Quartet   countries   in   order  to  restore   relations
                                                            specifically   Egypt  and   the   UAE,   who  ’ve   been   affected   by   Erdogan's
     with   it?   Will   it   abide   by   the   demands   of   the   four   countries,
                           Holi                 da         y Rul                    es
                                                            provocations  on  the  maritime  theater  of  eastern   Mediterranean  and    on
     especially   Egypt,   to   cut   its   relations   with   terrorism,   especially
                                                            the Libyan scene? Maybe it  ’s still too early to answer such questions.
     with   the   Muslim   Brotherhood,   which   has   been   involved   in   the
                                        Article title                      but  rather  came  under  US  pressure  and  as  hate    in
     terrorist   and   sabotage   operations   that   occurred   in   Egypt   since  Lastly,  what   is  clear  is   that   this  interest   in  reconciliation   did  not    come
     2013,   and   to   stop   providing   safe   havens   for   its   lawless
                                                            Iran,   and   thus   an   attempt   to   form   a   unified   front   to   confront   the
     extremists?  Will   Qatar   stop   interfering   in   the   internal   affairs   of
                                                            dangers  it  poses   in  the  region,  especially  after  the  assassination  of   one
     Arab  countries,  especially  Egypt,  and  stop  the  media  incitement
                                AUTHOR   NAME  &   info
                                                            of   its   nuclear   scientists,   Mohsen   Fakhrizadeh.   However,   despite   that
     rhetoric  it   continues  to   practice  through   its  channels,  whether  Al
                                                            the blockade has exhausted Qatar, especially economically, and placed
     Jazeera   or   others?   Will   Qatar   stop   supporting   and   funding
                                                            it   in   the   image   of   the   accused   among   its   neighbors,   many   analysts
     terrorist  organizations,  whether   in   Syria  or   Libya,   which   hinders
                                                            argue   that   Qatar   will   not   easily   abandon   the   wide   range   of   politic  al,
     the   political   settlement   process   and   threatens   Egypt  ’s   national
                                                            economic   and   military   ties   it   established   to   counter   the   blockade  ’s
     security?  And  will  it   end  its  strong  military   and  political  alliance
                                                            effects  since  2017,  whether  with  Turkey,  which  sent  military  forces  t  o
     with   Turkey   and   its   political   flirtation   with   Iran,   which   has
                                                            Doha,  or   with   Iran,   which   rushed   to  provide   assistance   to   Qatar   after
     become   ironically   closer   to   Qatar   since   its   isolation   due   to   the
                                                            the blockade, in a move that angered the Saudis.
                                                            However,   there   is   growing   optimism   and   great   interest   in   the  Saudi-
     All   these   questions   show   the   sticking   points   in   the   process   of
                                                            Qatari   commitment,   as   well   as   the   annual   summit   of   the   Gulf
     reconciliation   with   Qatar,   in   particular   for   Egypt,   which   could
                                                            Cooperation   Council(GCC)   held   on   January   5,   2021,   which   is
     bring   disappointingly   the   train   of   reconciliation   backwards.
                                                            supposed   to   end   the   dispute  and   cancel   the   measures   that   were  taken
     Moreover,   there  ’s   a   suspicious  role   that  the  forces   disturbed  and
                                                            on   the   day   of   the   blockade   on   Qatar,   including   the   reopening     of
     negatively   affected   by   any   reconciliation   with   Qatar   will   play,
                                                            airspace and land borders. Therefore, many Gulf analysts who support
     especially  Iran,  Turkey,  and   the  Muslim  Brotherhood,  which  has
                                                            reconciliation   think   it   will   be  beneficial  to  the   region,   because     it   will
     clearly   a   strong   and   broad   political   influence   in   Qatar.   Indeed,
                                                            "reduce   political   polarization  ”.   However,   in   case   of   a   Saudi-Qatari
     this   trio   was   the   biggest   beneficiary   of   the   cracked   Arab   entity
                                                            reconciliation  (and   even  if  Bahrain  joins  them),   Abu   Dhabi  and  Cairo
     and  the   increasing   inter-Arab  disputes.   Some  of   them   have   tried
                                                            will   have   to   decide   whether   they   will   follow   the   Kingdom   or   char  t
     to   postpone   this   reconciliation   and   to   let   the   crisis   continue
                                                            their   own   paths  with   regard  to  their  relations   with  Qatar,   and  t  his  will
     within   the   GCC,   such   as   Iran,   and   some   of   them   will   try   to
                                                            mainly   relate   to   the   degree   to   which   Doha   adheres   to   the   terms   of
     benefit   from   this   reconciliation   to   achieve   their   goals,   such   as
                                                            reconciliation   and   stops   its   actions   undermining   the   security   and
                                                            stability of Arab countries.

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