Page 19 - Issue-27
P. 19
Invasion (past and present) 2
Holi da y Rul es
Mariam Mohamed Yahia , Political science , 3rd level
Have you ever delved into what the “cultural invasion ” is? dependency and draining of all your resources is the goal of the
How dangerous is it? I see that it was one of the methods of west since ancient times, to get worse with the emergence of the
Industrial Revolution in the middle of the 18th century. In our
the ancient colonialists to extend their control over the Arab
current era, a new goal appears, which lies in showing negative
people who suffered the woes of the colonization and
invasion, After the invader could take control over the Arab images of Islam and the Arabs and linking their behavior to
region he uses (Westernization Style) which we already terrorism, backwardness and violence, and thus everything that
mentioned in the first part, It is one of the mechanisms of Islam stipulates in terms of morals and principles have formed
what the customs and traditions are one of the forms of re action,
cultural invasion as a key to prove the success of its conquest,
and the Arabic language is a fine evidence on backwardnes s.
in other words, he destroys the nation ’s culture with the
Technology, social media and internet users whose influence
values, customs and traditions, and religious foundations it
carries in order to replace it with his own. A number of has become stronger than the influence of weapons in
national movements emerged that that were struggling to publishing applications, programs, and films related to crime,
violence, sex, and everything that is shameful, taking advantage
prevent this cultural disintegration and to protect the nation ’s
of the ideals of freedom, which makes the Arab individual in a
customs and traditions, and morals and religion. Algeria, for
state of clash with his reality, interfering him in a state of soci al
instance, which declared its political liberation from the
disturbance, alienation from reality, embodied and Arab with
French invasion of 1962, is still not liberating culturally from
this invasion until the present time due to the dominance of Western ideas, and thus his loss of identity. This logical for the
spread of deviations in our society that contradict our Ara b
the French language, to surpass the national language, so
values of murder, assault, harassment, homosexuality, acute,
Algeria will turn into the second largest French-speaking
replacing Arabic with another language, dispelling the criteria
country. So we find the calls to break free from the control of
for judging behavior such as permissible and forbidden, right
French as a language still persist today.
and wrong under the phrase “I’m free ”.
Then our current generation comes to prove that the cultural
I appreciate freedom greatly as a human value, but this free dom
invasion evolved from just a method or a mechanism to prove
has its limits. Your personal freedom stops at the limits of your
the success of the invasion to a type of modern conquest that
harm to others or your penetration of the limits of religion,
succeeded by using the means of soft power to penetrate the
which is a basic reference for all the customs and laws that
body of our Arab nation until it obtained it, successful in
govern our Arab society in which we live.
convincing the Arab citizen that if you wanted to catch up
We can face this invasion in several ways; satisfying future
with the western civilization development that constitutes the
generations with awareness of their faith, freedom, and its
summit of advancement and progress. Dear Arab, you must
limits, and moving them through educational facilities,
give up your nationalism, morals and legacies that constitute
highlighting the Islamic identity and the importance of adhering
the summit of backwardness, and the Islamic religion which
to nationalism and the Arabic language, in addition to, socio-
is a distinctive feature of our Arab region and a basic
cultural and Arab radio stations development to reduce the
reference for our customs and traditions, and constitutions of
chaos of western control of the media process, and always
most of our Arab countries is an obstacle to our path to
raising the awareness about the correct use of communication
modernity, and even constitutes that force that threatens
technology, because it is considered a blessing and a curse a t the
civilization with collapse, so that the present generation
same time. But the success of these methods depends on yo ur
appears in a state of complete clash between different
awareness, as an Arab citizen, that your desire to modernize
cultures, losing the Arab identity.
does not mean that you shed your Arab skin.
Why? I see that making the Arab nation in a state of complete