Page 14 - Issue-27
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                           Holi                 da         y Rul                    es
                          Holi                 da         y Rul                    es

                                                                   Hana   Zakaria   A bdel   A al  A li ,  3rd  level  ,  Economics
                                            THE BIG HACK !

                                 Immense amount of data from diverse US federal institutions hacked

          By  the   end   of   2020,   COVID-19   is   not   alone   what  threatens
                                                               other than the Orion Solar Windows platform." This is what
          the   security   of   the   United   States   of   America.   On   Friday,
                                                              Shailyn  Haynes,   a   spokeswoman   for   the   US   Department  of
          12/18/2020,   some   American   officials   announced   that   a
                                                              Energy,   confirmed   in   a   press   statement   on   Friday,   saying,
          number   of   agencies   of   the   US   Department   of   Energy,
                                                              "The   business   networks   of   the   National   Nuclear   Security
          including   those   related   to  the   stockpile  of   nuclear   weapons,
                                                              Administration  have  been  affected  by  the  penetration  of  one
          had  been  breached  as  part  of  an  expanded  attack  by  a  hacker
                                                              of  the   software  of   the  American  company  (Solar  Windows),
          group  that   had  electronic  access  to  more  than  ten  US  federal
                                                              which supervises the network architecture in the government
          agencies.   According  to  "New  York  Times",   that  the  attack   is
                                                              and private companies. "
          one  of   the  most  complex  breaches  and  perhaps  the   largest  in
                                                              It  also  indicated  that  the  Ministry  is   working   on  a  rapid  and
          more than five years.
                                                              deterrent   response  to  the   electronic  incident  in  coordination
          The   attack   targeted   several   government   agencies   and
                                                              with   its   partners   in   the   federal  government   and   companies,
          departments   that   reported   breaches   of   their   electronic
                                                              and that the investigation is taking place in conjunction with
          networks,   including   the   Federal   Commission   for   Energy
                                                              efforts   to   confront   the   attack,   cordon   off   its   effects   and
          Regulation   in   addition   to   a   number   of   national   laboratories
                                                              isolate   the   penetrating   devices,  noting   that   the   accident  did
          and   some   departments   of   the   Ministry   of   Transport.   The
                                                              not   harm   the   main   work   of   the   National   Nuclear   Security
          cyber   breach   also   affected   a   number   of   the   most   prominent
                                                              Administration.  This  is  what   the  Ministry  confirmed,  saying
          US   government   institutions,   including   the   Ministries   of
                                                              that   the   security   of   the   nuclear   arsenal   was   not   threatened.
          Foreign Affairs, Treasury, Homeland Security, and Trade.
                                                              She   also   added   that   the   security   functions   of   the   National
          The   US   Cybersecurity   and   Infrastructure   Security   Agency
                                                              Nuclear   Security   Administration   (NNSA),   which   oversee
          indicated   that   the   perpetrators   were   able   to   penetrate
                                                              US  nuclear   weapons,  have  not   been   affected.  However,  she
          computer   networks   using   a   network   management   program
                                                              said, "the malware only focused on business networks."
          made   by   “Solar   Windows  ”,   an   information   technology
                                                              The   spokesman   for  the  US   National   Security   Council,  John
          company   based   in   Texas,   USA.   And   this   is   what   is
                                                              Elliott,   had   confirmed   in   a   statement   in   the   "Freedom"
          considered   a   dangerous   matter,   as   these   perpetrators   were
                                                              newspaper   that   the   President's   National   Security   Adviser,
          able  to  exploit   networks  that  are  originally   American  against
                                                              Robert  O'Brien,  cut  short  his  European   tour  in  order   to   deal
          the   United   States   themselves.   All   US   federal   civilian
                                                              with  the  repercussions   of  the  cyber  breach,  and  Elliott  made
          agencies   have   been   informed   of   the   need   to   remove   "Solar
                                                              it clear that O'Brien would participate in meetings about this
          Windows"   from   their  devices  as   a   result   of  this   breach.   The
                                                              issue   and   that   he   will   hold   a   meeting   at   the   governmental
          US  Cybersecurity  and  Infrastructure  Security  Agency  said  in
                                                              level later this week.
          its   statement   that   it   is   investigating   "evidence   of   additional
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