Page 18 - Issue-27
P. 18



                           Holi                 da         y Rul                    es

                                The Global challenges to journalism

                             Islam   Mohamed   A  bdul  -Ghani   Mohamed  ,  political   science  ,  3rd   level

                      In   recent   times   and   with   the   emergence   of   the
                                                              expression   and   information,   Besides   journalists   ’fear   of
          tremendous   development   in   the   means   of   communication
                                                              violent  reactions  on   the  part  of  the  affected  party,   as  states
          and   information,   the   world   has   witnessed   many   problems
                                                              often   do   not   provide   protection   for   journalists   in   light   of
          related to information and news, such as the announcement
                                                              these   situations,   which   leads   to   terrorizing   the   journalist
          of   some   confidential   and   thorny   news   for   some   societies
                                                              and restricting his absolute freedom.
          related to their national security and their coming out under
                                                              This   is   not   only   what  the   press   suffers  from   in  the  world,
          the   slogan  of  transparency  first,  and  not   only  that,   but   also
                                                              as   he   may   be   exposed   to   many   types   of   intimidation   and
          working   to   export   rumors   and   false   information   with   the
                                                              threats  that   differ   according   to   the   state   of   the   journalist's
          aim  of  The  destabilization  of  security  and  stability  in  some
                                                              country,  In   a   state   of  peace,  the  journalist  is   often   exposed
          countries, and therefore it was necessary to pay attention to
                                                              to   a   moral   threat   more   than   a   physical   threat,   It   can   take
          the   bodies   responsible   for   news   and   their   work   related   to
                                                              several   directions   to   punish   the   journalist,   including   that
          information,   hence   the   interest   in   the   press,   and   therefore
                                                              this   body   puts   pressure   on   his   bosses   at   work   in   order   to
          we   had   to   first   define   the   term   journalism   profession   and
                                                              take  a  decision  to  dismiss  him  from  work  or  work  to  direct
          what   it   indicates,   and  I   found   that   the  journalist  is  his  task
                                                              a  severe  threat  to  him  in  order  to  change  the  way  he  writes
          in  gathering   news   of  any  kind  and  analyzing  it,   Then   make
                                                              As  for  cases   of  war,  during  which  he  is  subjected  to   either
          sure  of   its   credibility  before  publishing  it  and   presenting  it
                                                              kidnapping,   assassination,   or   even   torture   to   defame   him,
          to   the   receiving   public   in   its   final   form   ,Therefore,
                                                              in   the   year   2018   the   number   of   victims   of   journalists
          journalism  is  considered  food  for   human  thought,  It  allows
                                                              increased   in   the   world,   as   63   media   professionals   were
          him   to   know   what   is   happening   around   him   from   the
                                                              killed   in   the   world,   an   increase   of   8%   over   the   previous
          developments of events in various affairs of life, and others
                                                              year, and this represents a threat to journalists.
          consider   it   the   fourth   authority   of   the   state   in   addition   to              Therefore,   I   think   that   it   is   the   right   of   journalists   to
          the legislative, executive and judicial branches.   have a better life than that and that states should provide an
              Hence the importance of this article. From all the above,
                                                              appropriate   environment   for   them   to   practice   their   work
          the   importance   of   preserving   the   press   is   crystallized   in
                                                              freely   without   fear.   Therefore,  I   suggest  that  states  should
          order for it to be practiced freely in a climate of democracy
                                                              start   enacting   laws   that   are   more   flexible   in   dealing   with
          that   is   free   of   restrictions   and   challenges   that   prevent   the
                                                              journalists   in   order   to   affirm   their   right   to   carry   out   their
          journalist   from   successfully   exercising   his   job.   Work   to
                                                              work   freely   without   restrictions,   with   the   necessity.   He
          deceive  and  underestimate  the  minds   of   recipient   citizens,  mentioned   a   legal   text   that   makes   states   explicitly   care
          and   many   challenges   and   restrictions   that   impose  about   the   lives   of   journalists,   while   working   on
          violations   and   persecutions   practiced   against   journalists  undertaking   to   provide   them   with   protection,   especially
          appear,   including   imposing   censorship   on   all   behavior   of  when   they   deal   with   some   serious   journalistic   topics   that
          journalists   and      restrictions   related   to   laws   related   to   the  may   expose   them   to   danger.   Journalism   is   the   eyes   of
          press  that  suffers  from  some  breaches   that  restrict  freedom  citizens.
          of opinion,
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