Page 20 - Issue-27
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                             Does anyone work with his degree ... reality or
                           Holi                 da         y Rul                    es

                                               Mustafa Ahmed - Level Three - Political Science

                In   our   contemporary   society,   we   find   many   young   people  as  they  do   not   provide  students   with  sufficient  skills   needed
          finish their university studies and obtain a certificate that allows  for   work.   Here,   the   demand   for   young   graduates   decreases,
                               Mostafa   A hmed   Ramadan  ,  political   science  ,   3rf   level
          them  to   work  in  their   field  of  specialization.   However,   we   soon  which   increases   unemployment   and   frustrates   their   resolve.
                                                              Third:   Escape   from   unemployment:   After   graduation,   the
          find   him   working   in   a   field   other   than   his   specialization.   We
          find   an  engineering  graduate  working  as  a  mathematics  teacher,  young   man   does  not  find  anyone  to  support  him,   in  addition
          a  computing   and  information  technology  graduate  working  as  a  to   the   lack  of   a   suitable   job,  which   drives  him   to   search   for
          housing   supervisor,   and   even   a   law   graduate   working   as   a   tax  any  job  to  secure  his  future.   This  has  many   negative  effects,
          warden.   If   you   ask   any   of   them   about   the   reason   for   this,   the  such   as  emigration,  as   well   as   an  increase   in  unemployment
                                                              rates and other very serious economic and social impacts.
          answer will be the same: fear of unemployment and the desire to
                                                              In this context, we suggest: - Amending or canceling the high
          create a better future. Since childhood, all of us have been asked
                                                              school  coordination  system  so  that  it   is  replaced  by   a  system
          a   question,   which   is,   "Oh,   how   did   you   grow   up?"   Here   the
          answer   is   to   be   an   officer,   engineer,   or   medical   ...   etc.   But   as  of   tests   to   determine   whether   the   student   is   suitable   in   this
          children   get   older,   these   dreams   begin   to   change.   From   the  field or not.
                                                              -Adopting   the   principle   of   education   planning  and   linking   it
          beginning   of   university   education,  which  has   been  the   hope   for
                                                              to   manpower   planning.   And   directing   the   university
          the  beginning  of  the  realization   of  the   long-awaited  dream.  But
                                                              education   system   to   serve   the   labor   market,   but   in   the
          this   dream   falls   into   a   trap   called   "high   school   coordination",
                                                              country's economic framework.
          and   if   it   escapes   from   it,   there   is   another   trap,   which   is   the
                                                              -Directing   new  students   in   universities   to  specialize   in  areas
          "labor  market".   This  is  in  addition  to  the  fear  of  unemployment.
                                                              that   suffer   from   shortages,   as   well   as   providing   training
          Here,  we   have   to   clarify   those   reasons   and   their   consequences
                                                              programs that qualify them.
          and   provide   some   recommendations.   First:   Coordination   of
                                                                 -   Exchanging   experiences   with   foreign   universities   as   well
          High School: It is the nightmare that all young people fear. Each
                                                              as  foreign   education  experts  and  providing  what  is  needed  to
          of  them  strives  with   all  his  efforts  to   reach   the  highest  possible
                                                              achieve   the   required   match.   First:   Coordination   of   High
          group  in   order  to   secure   his  entry   into  the   college   he  dreams  of
                                                              School:   It  is  the  nightmare   that   all   young   people   fear.   Each
          and  to  be  safe  from  coercion.  Every  year,   the  grades  required  to
                                                              of   them   strives   with   all   his   efforts   to   reach   the   highest
          enter  a   particular  college  are  raised,  but  it  is  unfortunate  to  find
                                                              possible group in order to secure his entry into the college he
          that   someone  has   achieved   this  estimate,   but   with  less  than  1%
                                                              dreams   of   and   to   be   safe   from   coercion.   Every   year,   the
          only,  and   this  prevents   him  from  entering   the  college  he  wants.
                                                              grades   required  to  enter  a  particular   college   are  raised,   but  it
          He enters a college other than what he wants, and his life course
                                                              is   unfortunate   to   find   that   someone   has   achieved   this
          is   completely   transformed.   Second:   The   alignment   between
                                                              estimate,   but   with   less   than   1%   only,   and   this  prevents   him
          university education and the requirements of the labor market:
                                                              from   entering  the  college  he  wants.  He  enters  a  college  other
          This   is   a   well-versed   cause   of  our   biggest   problem.   Numerous
                                                              than   what   he   wants,   and   his   life   course   is   completely
          studies related to this matter have shown that education policies,
                                                              transformed.   Second:   The   alignment   between   university
          as   well   as   plans   and   policies   that   are   approved   without   taking
                                                              education and the requirements of the labor market:
          into   account   their   suitability   for   the   labor   market,   have
                                                              This   is   a   well-versed   cause   of   our   biggest   problem.
          contributed   greatly   to   the   existence   of   a   gap   between   the
                                                              Numerous   studies   related   to   this   matter   have   shown   that
          acceptance  policy   and  the  requirements   of   the   labor   market  on
                                                              education   policies,   as   well   as   plans   and   policies   that   are
          the   other   hand.   The   courses   and   educational   systems   that   are
                                                              approved without taking into account their suitability
          offered do not fit the requirements of the labor market,
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